Pea Ridge Times



50 Years Ago

Pea Ridge Graphic-Scene Vol. 9 No. 18 Wednesday, May 1, 1974

The 1973-74 Pea Ridge High School Athletic Banquet was held Saturday night in the elementary school cafeteria.

A called meeting of the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission has been set for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, to again consider the proposed water quality plan (regional sewer system).

As of Monday, Bentonvill­e municipal Judge Ralph Williams had not handed down a verdict in the trial held nearly two months ago involving the City of Pea Ridge vs. Loyd Weaver.

40 Years Ago

The TIMES of Pea Ridge Country Vol. 19 No. 18 Wednesday, May 2, 1984

Decision about the location of a poultry by-products processing plant for the Pea Ridge area has been temporaril­y placed on the shelf due to the negative attitude the company has been hearing from the city and surroundin­g area, Doug Baskin told The TIMES Tuesday.

Arkansas State Highway Commission will open bids May 10 on 28 road projects throughout the state with an estimated cost of $10 million.

A request for more help for juvenile probation in Benton County and for an understand­ing with Bentonvill­e on the disposal of solid waste were considered by the Quorum Court Thursday night, but no final action was taken on either subject.

30 Years Ago

The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 29 No. 18 Thursday, May 5, 1994

A Pea Ridge High School student has been chosen to attend the six-week Governor’s School this summer in Conway. He is Brian Easley, 16, son of Ray and Sandy Easley of Pea Ridge.

Beta Alpha Sorority of Pea Ridge will host a public reception at the Bank of Pea Ridge this Friday in observance of the sorority’s 30th birthday.

The weather was about the only thing that refused to cooperate Saturday in an event-filled day designed to raise money for cancer patient Harry Boggs of Pea Ridge.

20 Years Ago

The TIMES of Northeast Benton County Vol. 39 No. 18 Wednesday, May 5, 2004

The areas of Brush Creek and Sugar Creek will be under a boil order for drinking water until further notice, according to the Pea Ridge Water Department.

Kim McKenna, principal broker and owner, announces the opening of a new real estate office in Pea Ridge.

Homeowners Jason and Rebecca Bevill returned home to 148 Patton Street Friday to find the front of their home in ruins.

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