Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Post-convention barbs fly

Candidates visit swing states, using new jobs report to fault each other

- By Anita Kumar and Lesley Clark

PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — Their convention­s behind them, President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney bore down Friday on the drive to November, trading barbs from key swing states on a day when a disappoint­ing new jobs report underscore­d the economic anxiety that punctuates the election.

Mr. Obama dashed from the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., to New Hampshire and then Iowa, looking to build enthusiasm in key states with first lady Michelle Obama at his side along with Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill.

“Now that both sides have made their argument, there’s a big choice to make,” Mr. Obama told an estimated 6,000 people at Portsmouth’s Strawbery Banke Museum, casting the election as a choice between “two different paths for America.”

Mr. Romney returned to the campaign trail after a weeklong hiatus during Mr. Obama’s convention, rallying supporters in Orange City, Iowa, before heading to New Hampshire later in the day. He urged voters to see Mr. Obama’s convention speech the day before as a litany of promises unlikely to be fulfilled.

“It was a whole series of new promises that he also won’t be able to keep,” Mr. Romney said. “We would have four more years of the last four years, and the American people are going to say no to that.”

The two rivals grappled as a report Friday showed that the struggling economy added just 96,000 jobs in August. Worse, it showed that 368,000 people had stopped looking for work,

sending the share of the workforce either working or actively looking for jobs to its lowest level since September 1981.

Mr. Obama acknowledg­ed that although U.S. businesses added jobs for the 30th month in a row, “that’s not good enough.”

“We need to create more jobs, faster,” he said, then blamed Republican­s for blocking his proposed package of new spending, a proposal his administra­tion says would create 1 million jobs.

His vision, he said, is of an America that invests in education, research and developmen­t, and believes in “the idea that we have some obligation­s to each other and that when we work together, we all do better.” Republican­s, he said, want to eliminate regulation­s, cut taxes for the wealthiest and believe that government, “because it can’t do everything, somehow should almost do nothing.”

Mr. Obama argued that it’s his opponents who have no new ideas, charging that the Republican solution to every problem is a tax cut: “Tax cuts when times are good, tax cuts when times are bad,” he said. “Tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds, tax cuts to improve your love life. It’ll cure anything, according to them.”

He contended that he backs tax cuts and has signed them “for people who need it,” but opposes them for the wealthiest. “I do not believe that another round of tax breaks for millionair­es is what’s going to bring good jobs back to our shores, or pay down our deficit,” he said.

The president said the economy’s woes have been “building up over decades,” and that it will take “more than a few years” to solve them.

Mr. Romney used the jobs report to paint Mr. Obama as a failure, calling the sluggish growth in jobs “simply unimaginab­le.”

“This president tried,” he said. “But he didn’t understand what it takes to make our economy work. I do.”

Mr. Romney, who spoke in Iowa just moments after Mr. Obama finished his New Hampshire rally, was heading next to New Hampshire, while Mr. Obama and the Bidens left New Hampshire for an evening rally in Iowa City.

It’s a pattern likely to be repeated over the next two months, as the two campaigns focus their attention on voters in the eight to 10 swing states that could decide the election. Mr. Obama today kicks off a two-day bus trip across Florida before returning to the White House.

Mr. Romney’s campaign didn’t wait for the candidate to hammer the president, releasing ahead of both candidates’ appearance­s 15 new television ads tailored to eight of the battlegrou­nd states, hitting Mr. Obama’s record on jobs, defense and regulation­s.

In New Hampshire, Mr. Obama pushed voters to get to the polls. “We’re going to have to work because this is going to be a close election,” he told supporters. “Only you can make sure that we don’t go backwards. Only you have the power to move us forward.”

Obama senior strategist David Plouffe told reporters that the campaign believes that it picked up momentum from the convention and “increased our turnout dynamics.”

He said he didn’t think either convention did much to shake up what has been a whisker-close race, with Mr. Obama showing a slight edge in most of the battlegrou­nd states. “Our suspicion is the race is going to be about where it was,” Mr. Plouffe said. “And that’s a problem for Mitt Romney.”

 ?? Evan Vucci/associated Press ??
Evan Vucci/associated Press
 ?? Nam Y. Huh/associated Press ?? President Barack Obama greets supporters at the University of Iowa in Iowa City on Friday. At top, Republican candidate Mitt Romney holds up a license plate given to him by a supporter in Nashua, N.H.
Nam Y. Huh/associated Press President Barack Obama greets supporters at the University of Iowa in Iowa City on Friday. At top, Republican candidate Mitt Romney holds up a license plate given to him by a supporter in Nashua, N.H.
 ?? Michael Henninger/post-gazette ?? Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday night. Mr. Biden criticized the Romney campaign on Medicare: “What they didn’t tell you is what they’re proposing would cause Medicare to go bankrupt by...
Michael Henninger/post-gazette Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., Thursday night. Mr. Biden criticized the Romney campaign on Medicare: “What they didn’t tell you is what they’re proposing would cause Medicare to go bankrupt by...

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