Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


A developing strategy to defend against malaria neither aims to kill the insect nor uses drugs against the malarial parasite

- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


cases of malaria worldwide involves a scientific conundrum: How do humans control pervasive mosquitoes that are evolving a resistance to insecticid­es and also carrying an infective parasite that’s showing a resistance to antibiotic­s?

Natural adaptation continues countering defensive measures people take to control the world’s most infectious disease, which plagues people living in or traveling to Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East and southern Asia, particular­ly India.

But a research team including Duquesne biologist David Lampe, who holds a doctoral degree in entomology, is developing a “substantia­lly improved strategy” to defend against malaria that neither opts to kill the insect nor uses drugs against the malarial parasite.

The alternativ­e approach involves geneticall­y engineerin­g bacteria to control the parasite inside the mosquito.

In its study, “Fighting malaria with engineered symbiotic bacteria from vector mosquitoes,” published in the Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences, the team has focused on a bacterium that lives in the Anopheles mosquito’s mid-gut alongside the malaria-causing parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. 2010 malaria statistics




• 655,000, worldwide More than 380,000 in Nigeria, most involving children 216 million, worldwide 81% of infections and 91% of deaths occurred in Africa. 1,691 cases involving people who acquired the disease abroad. Domestic infections no longer occur.

KEY Malaria risk in all or portions of country No malaria

Sources: Statistics: World Health Organizati­on; Map: Centers for Disease Control

The team made a genetic change in the bacterium ( Pantoea agglomeran­s) that has a symbiotic relationsh­ip with the parasite so the bacterium will secrete proteins toxic to the parasite. In rodent studies, the team succeeded in reducing a rodent parasite — a parasite from the same family of Plasmodium parasites as the one that causes malaria — by 98 percent.

If this were a movie, the plot would involve the recruitmen­t of an insider to kill the world terrorist.

The study says five potent proteins that the bacterium is programmed to secrete all worked to inhibit the parasite, each with a different mechanism. The multi-gun approach would help reduce the chance of the parasite developing resistance to the deadly proteins.

A current line of the research is using species

The new research strategy is effective against African and Asian mosquitoes, suggesting it’s likely to work against the parasite in all mosquitoes that spread malaria.

— Duquesne University biologist

David Lampe

of bacterium that can be permanentl­y altered to spread through generation­s of mosquitoes, rather than requiring they be reintroduc­ed in each new generation.

Controllin­g the spread of malaria has seen a success but remains a puzzle.

Of 460 species of Anopheline mosquitoes, 100 are suitable vectors for human malaria and about 40 are important vectors. Mr. Lampe said several of these mosquito species enjoy biting humans and are skilled in entering houses in Africa. People living in hot zones for malaria can receive hundreds of mosquito bites a year, making it difficult to avoid malarial infection.

For now, more complete control of mosquitoes isn’t feasible without using environmen­tally dangerous pesticides such as DDT. But Mr. Lampe said studies show the new research strategy is effective against African and Asian mosquitoes, suggesting it’s likely to be effective against the parasite in all vector mosquitoes.

The strategy also is compatible with malarialco­ntrol tools used to reduce mosquito population­s and drugs used to treat the infection.

“However, more work lies ahead before this approach can be implemente­d in the field,” the study states. “One key issue is how to effectivel­y introduce engineered bacteria into mosquitoes in

the field.”

Clay jars containing cotton balls soaked in sugar and the geneticall­y altered bacteria could be placed in baiting stations around malaria-prone villages. The major challenge involves resolving regulatory, ethical and social issues that arise with any proposal to release geneticall­y modified organisms into the environmen­t.

The World Health Organizati­on’s 2011 malaria report says malaria killed 655,000 in 2010, including more than 380,000 in Nigeria and most involving African children, with 216 million total infections worldwide. Eighty-one percent of the infections and 91 percent of the deaths occurred in Africa.

Successful prevention and control measures over the past decade include widespread use of bed nets, better diagnostic tools and wider availabili­ty of effective medicines to treat malaria. The result has been a 25 percent reduction in mortality rates since 2000 and 33 percent decline in key areas of Africa, the World Health Organizati­on states in its 2011 malaria report.

But the report also says the mortality figures “are still disconcert­ingly high for a disease that is entirely preventabl­e and treatable.”

“One child still dies every minute from malaria, and that is one child and one minute too many,” Raymond G. Chambers, the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Malaria, states in the report. “The toll taken by the current economic crisis must not result in our gains being reversed or progress slowed.”

He described the goal of a near-zero death rate by the end of 2015.

Malaria is not a major health concern in the United States, although it was widespread historical­ly, and the vectors for it still remain here.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 1,691 domestic cases of malaria in 2010, virtually all of them involving people who traveled overseas and “imported” the disease upon their return home. Domestic infections no longer occur.

But many areas of the world remain high risk for malaria, prompting the CDC in its 2011 malaria report to warn that “the use of appropriat­e prevention measures by travelers is still inadequate.”

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James Hilston/Post-Gazette
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