Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

GOP distances itself from vote-fraud suspect

- By Jerry Markon

The man at the center of a Florida voter-fraud investigat­ion is a longtime GOP operative with a pugnacious streak and controvers­ial history among Republican­s and Democrats for his aggressive tactics in registerin­g voters.

Nathan Sproul is a businessma­n who rose rapidly in Arizona politics, heading the local Christian Coalition and state Republican Party in his mid20s. A series of voter-fraud allegation­s against him in 2004 did not slow his ascent: Mr. Sproul and firms tied to him have been paid $21.2 million by the Republican Party, its candidates and affiliated interest groups over the past nine years.

But the man who once accused Democratic critics of having “hysterical fits” now finds himself isolated politicall­y. Nine Florida counties reported to the state that hundreds of voterregis­tration forms submitted by Mr. Sproul’s firm contained irregulari­ties, such as suspicious signatures and missing informatio­n.

State law enforcemen­t authoritie­s are investigat­ing the allegation­s. A Sproul spokesman denied any impropriet­ies, saying the firm “has never tolerated even minimal violations of election law when registerin­g voters.”

Late last week, the party Mr. Sproul has worked so hard to build severed ties with him. Florida GOP officials, who had paid Mr. Sproul’s Strategic Allied Consulting $1.3 million this election cycle to help register and turn out voters, filed an election complaint against his firm with state officials.

Mr. Sproul and firms tied to him also were paid $1.6 million from state parties in North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado, and Republican presidenti­al challenger Mitt Romney’s campaign paid him $72,000 for “field consulting” in this election.

“We take the integrity of elections extremely seriously,” Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer said. “We have zero tolerance for even the mere allegation of impropriet­y.”

Voter registrati­on is an especially sensitive issue this year, as a series of restrictiv­e voter-access laws have become a presidenti­al campaign flash point. President Barack Obama’s supporters say the measures target minorities and other pro-Obama groups.

Republican­s say the new laws are needed to combat voter fraud, and it was a Florida law passed last year that enabled the Sproul probe to move forward: It requires groups that register voters to put their organizati­on’s names on every applicatio­n they submit.

On Monday, Democrats on the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform requested an interview with Mr. Sproul about the allegation­s.

Mr. Sproul, 40, declined a Washington Post interview, but spokesman David Leibowitz said in an emailed statement that the Sproul firm is cooperatin­g with election authoritie­s, and “will continue to do everything within our power to uncover any unethical or illegal activity in Florida.”

“Obviously, everyone at [the Sproul firm] is disappoint­ed by the end of a years-long fruitful relationsh­ip” with the Republican Party, Mr. Leibowitz added, “but they understand why this was done. There can be no distractio­ns right now.”

Mr. Sproul, who has operated a network of at least five Arizona-based consulting firms since 2003, said RNC officials asked him to establish a new firm to shield the party from earlier allegation­s against him, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported. Strategic Allied Consulting was incorporat­ed in June in Virginia. Mr. Sproul’s name is not listed on corporate documents.

The RNC’s Mr. Spicer said he was “unaware that that ever occurred.”

In 2004, former canvassers for Mr. Sproul’s firm came forward in four states, alleging that they were told to register only Republican­s, with some saying registrati­on forms completed by Democrats were thrown out. The Justice Department investigat­ed the allegation­s but did not bring charges, according to congressio­nal testimony.

At the time, Mr. Sproul accused Democrats of “having hysterical fits about how well we did our job,” and showing their own “lack of integrity” by feigning anger when “they do the exact same thing every day of the week.”

In his statement Monday, Mr. Leibowitz called the 2004 allegation­s “isolated instances,” and said the firm was cleared of wrongdoing.

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