Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

FDA endorses tighter controls for popular narcotic painkiller­s

Regs would affect prescripti­on drugs such as Vicodin

- By Barry Meier

The Food and Drug Administra­tion on Thursday recommende­d tighter controls on how doctors prescribe the most commonly used narcotic painkiller­s, changes that are expected to take place as early as next year.

The move, which represents a major policy shift, follows a decadelong debate over whether the widely abused drugs, which contain the narcotic hydrocodon­e, should be controlled as tightly as more powerful painkiller­s such as OxyContin.

The drugs at issue contain a combinatio­n of hydrocodon­e and an over-the-counter painkiller such as acetaminop­hen or aspirin and are sold either as generics or under brand names such as Vicodin or Lortab. Doctors use the medication­s to treat pain from injuries, arthritis, dental extraction­s and other problems.

The change would reduce the number of refills patients could get before going back to see their doctor. Patients would also be required to take a prescripti­on to a pharmacy, rather than have a doctor call it in.

Prescripti­on drugs account for about three-quarters of all U.S. drug overdose deaths, with the number of deaths from narcotic painkiller­s, or opioids, quadruplin­g since 1999, according to federal data. Drugs containing hydrocodon­e represent about 70 percent of all opioid prescripti­ons, and the looser rules governing them, some experts say, has contribute­d to their abuse.

Janet Woodcock, director of the agency’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said she expected the new regulation­s, if adopted, would take effect in 2014. The recommenda­tion requires approval by the Department of Health and Human Services and adoption by the Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion, which has long pushed for the measure.

For years, FDA officials had rejected recommenda­tions from the DEA and others for stronger prescribin­g controls on the drugs, saying the action would create undue hardships for patients. A number of doctors’ groups, including the American Medical Associatio­n and pharmacy organizati­ons, have continued to fight the measure, citing the impact on patients.

In a phone interview, Dr. Woodcock said FDA officials were aware that changing the prescribin­g rules would affect patients. But she said the public health impact caused by the drugs’ abuse as well as their medical use had reached a tipping point. “These are very difficult trade-offs that our society has to make,” she said. “The reason we approve these drugs is for people in pain, but we can’t ignore the epidemic on the other side.”

The new regulation­s would reduce by half, to 90 days, the supply of the drug a patient could obtain without a new prescripti­on. A patient now can refill a prescripti­on for such drugs five times over a six-month period before needing a new prescripti­on. Federal data suggest that most patients take such medication­s for only 14 days, creating the potential for excess pills to be sold or taken out of medicine chests by curious teenagers and others.

The FDA recommenda­tion is likely to have a significan­t impact on drugs’ availabili­ty as well as on how pharmacies operate and even which medical profession­als can prescribe the medication­s.

In 2011, about 131 million prescripti­ons for hydro-codone-medication­s were written for about 47 million patients, according to government estimates. That amounts to about 5 billion pills.

Technicall­y, the change involves reclassifi­cation of hydrocodon­e- containing painkiller­s as Schedule II medication­s from their current classifica­tion as Schedule III drugs. The scheduling system, overseen by the Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion, classifies drugs based on their medical use and potential for abuse and addiction.

Schedule II drugs are those drugs with the highest potential for abuse that can be legally prescribed. They include painkiller­s such as oxycodone — the active ingredient in OxyContin — methadone and fentanyl, as well as Adderall and Ritalin, which are prescribed for attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder.

The question of whether to tighten prescribin­g controls over hydrocodon­e-containing drugs has been the subject of intense lobbying. Last year, lobbyists for druggists and chain pharmacies mobilized to derail a measure the Senate passed that would mandate such restrictio­ns as the FDA is now recommendi­ng.

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