Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Guns, cars and dead Americans

We’ve made cars a lot safer, so why not guns?

- FRANCIS WILKINSON Francis Wilkinson is a member of the Bloomberg View editorial board.

Writing in Forbes in September 1958, John D. Williams, a mathematic­ian at RAND Corp., suggested the United States was getting a little carried away with its interest in auto safety. “I am sure that there is, in effect, a desirable level of automobile accidents — desirable, that is, from a broad point of view; in the sense that it is a necessary concomitan­t of things of greater value to society.”

Mr. Williams continued: “We accept it as a creed that human life is priceless and react involuntar­ily against anything that kills. In so doing we confuse the values of the individual and of society.”

This is essentiall­y the argument of the National Rifle Associatio­n more than half a century later — only turned inside out.

Mr. Williams viewed society as more or less indifferen­t to a bit of pointless death now and then so long as cars delivered speed and convenienc­e. Individual­s, meanwhile, were deeply invested in saving their own skins.

The NRA’s position is the inverse: Society’s efforts to protect life are oppressive and constituti­onally trumped, in any case, by the individual’s right to possess and use — or carelessly leave on the night table — firearms.

The publicatio­n of Ralph Nader’s “Unsafe at Any Speed” in 1965, seven years after Mr. Williams’ essay, marked a change in public consciousn­ess. The consumer products safety revolution followed, with the creation of federal bureaucrac­ies devoted to protecting air, water and workplace safety, among others. The comprehens­ive child-proofing of middleclas­s homes came later still.

The results of the safety revolution can be measured in mortality rates. In 1958, there were 35,331 motor vehicle deaths in the United States. After a half-century of improvemen­ts in auto and road safety, that number declined to 32,367 in 2011 even as the population increased by three-fourths. Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles in 1958 were 5.32; by 2011, they had plummeted to 1.1. “Aspiration­al” brands such as Volvo, Mercedes and BMW came to market cars based on their safety ratings.

The gun industry, aided by an ideology-infused gun culture, has resisted even attempting similar gains. Guns now kill about 30,000 Americans annually — almost as many as cars — and injure another 70,000. It’s unclear if gunsafety measures could achieve similarly dramatic results as auto-safety initiative­s, or with similarly minimal inconvenie­nce. But certainly they could achieve much — if they were tried.

Laws designed to keep guns away from criminals, domestic abusers, drug addicts and others have been thwarted, along with efforts to keep guns away from children. Technologi­cal fixes — such as trigger locks and smart guns using fingerprin­t scanners — get little encouragem­ent from the NRA and its backers.

But the death and injury toll from guns is large, and the logic of resistance to safety improvemen­ts is small. Eventually, public demands to protect human life will overcome the gun lobby’s interest in maximizing gun sales and promoting right-wing ideology.

Reckless gun owners and gun dealers will be reined in to protect life, just as the worst cars and most dangerous roads were upgraded. John D. Williams underestim­ated his fellow citizens’ appreciati­on of life. So does the NRA.

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