Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Republican­s in Congress face sentiment of cleaning house

- By Jonathan Weisman The New York Times

BEDFORD, Pa. — Art Halvorson makes for an unlikely Republican primary challenger to a six-term incumbent like Rep. Bill Shuster. He is a newcomer to this quiet corner of south-central Pennsylvan­ia who retired after a long Coast Guard career.

But in the throw-out-the-bums anger percolatin­g in the election cycle now underway, Mr. Halvorson, 58, believes he might have a shot to displace a family name that has occupied this district’s House seat since Mr. Shuster’s father, Bud, won it in 1973. After two House elections dominated by the small-government philosophy of the Tea Party, 2014 may be driven by a less ideologica­l but more emotional sentiment: Clean house.

“People don’t remember a time before the Shusters,” Mr. Halvorson said. “They created an aristocrac­y, and people are so accustomed to that’s the way politics is done around here, they don’t see how he can be toppled. I’ve got to show leadership’s what’s important, not seniority, and longevity is not leadership.”

The outcome of this and at least 17 other primaries next year may have a negligible impact on Republican control of the House.

Few would suggest that Pennsylvan­ia’s 9th Congressio­nal District — which includes Indiana, Cambria, Blair, Bedford, Somerset, Fayette, Green, and Washington counties — is in danger of slipping into Democratic hands. But in the heated battle over the ideologica­l future of the Republican Party, races like this one could alter the complexion of the Republican caucus in the House — and Washington’s ability to govern in President Barack Obama’s final years in office.

“That’s the narrative everybody wants to know: What’s the Republican Party going to look like after Ted Cruz-Tea Party people get done with it?” Mr. Halvorson asked, eschewing the Tea Party label even as he adopts many of its campaign tropes. “Who’s going to have the ascendancy?”

From Tennessee to Michigan to Oregon, House Republican incumbents are facing an onslaught of primary challenges. But unlike the past two election cycles, there is almost no ideologica­l pattern to the contests.

Reps. Justin Amash and Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan and Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee — all Tea Party lawmakers in good standing — are threatened by potential challenger­s backed by business groups and their more traditiona­l Republican allies. Those challenges are not so much from the party’s left but more from a new breed of candidates hoping to “profession­alize” a House Republican caucus whose image has been battered by the turmoil in Washington.

Even the chairman of the National Republican Congressio­nal Committee, Greg Walden of Oregon, has drawn a credible challenger from the party’s right, Dennis Linthicum, the chairman of the Klamath County Board of Commission­ers.

How such contests resolve themselves could leave the House Republican caucus either more uncompromi­singly conservati­ve in 2015 or more committed to governance and compromise.

“It’s an offshoot of the decline in competitiv­e districts because of redistrict­ing,” said David Wasserman, a House analyst at the nonpartisa­n Cook Political Report. “There are fewer fights to pick with the other party, so there are going to be more fights within your party.”

In some sense, the fight for the heart of the House Republican caucus began Tuesday in Alabama, when Bradley Byrne, a business-backed former state senator, fought off a Tea Partysuppo­rted firebrand to win a special House election in Mobile.

In bordering Tennessee, Mr. DesJarlais has maintained his Tea Party bona fides since the 2010 wave swept him into Congress. But the taint of scandal has followed him since divorce records exposed accusation­s of violent behavior as well as a telephone transcript indicating that as a practicing doctor he had an affair with a patient and encouraged her to get an abortion. Another former patient emerged last year to say that she, too, had had an affair with Mr. DesJarlais and had smoked marijuana with him.

The hits have kept coming since then, and state Sen. Jim Tracy is now considered the favorite in the primary fight in August.

In Michigan, business-backed candidates are taking aim at Mr. Amash and Mr. Bentivolio, two black sheep of the House Republican conference. Mr. Amash has electrifie­d the libertaria­n wing of the Republican Party with his crusade against domestic spying, his willingnes­s to challenge his party’s defense hawks and his opposition to even the most austere budget plans of his leadership, which he invariably condemns as timid taps at the Big Government edifice.

But his showy image as the House’s “Dr. No” has angered the button-down business community of Grand Rapids, long used to the quiet conservati­sm of Vernon Ehlers, a physicist who served in Mr. Amash’s seat for 16 years without making much of a ripple. Brian Ellis, a Grand Rapids businessma­n, has won the support of several highprofil­e businesspe­ople.

“He’s not a conservati­ve Republican; he’s a libertaria­n,” Mr. Ellis said of his opponent, insisting that a district that turned in 2010 to a Ron Paulinspir­ed provocateu­r from Mr. Ehlers has not changed as much as its representa­tion has. “I’m putting my campaign on the line to say that’s not the case, and we’re going to find out.”

On the other side of Michigan, Mr. Bentivolio is an accidental congressma­n, elected last year after the popular Republican incumbent, Thaddeus McCotter, resigned suddenly because most of the signatures his campaign had collected to put him on the ballot were proved fraudulent.

Mr. Bentivolio, who once raised reindeer, starred in a homemade movie that accused George W. Bush of planning 9/11 and once said in court that he sometimes could not tell whether he was Kerry Bentivolio or Santa Claus. But as the only Republican left on the ballot, he won.

In his year in office, he has kept a low profile. But the Eastern Michigan establishm­ent is still seeking to oust him, and its members are backing a lawyer and businessma­n, Dave Trott.

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