Pittsburgh Post-Gazette



Enjoy fun time with mom, dad or your favorite grown-up. The across clues are for kids and the down clues are for adults

Kids Across

1. To keep your fingers warm in frosty weather, you might wear ____ made of leather

4. What a cowboy wears on his feet (or Dora’s banana-loving buddy)

8. Summer shoes that let your toes enjoy the weather, too

9. Buckle up: It’s a leather strap you wear in the loops on your pants

12. What a field goal kicker kicks to earn three points

13. Any group of three (like the Jonas Brothers, who wore their leather jackets to the 2013 Teen Choice Awards)

18. A sheriff carries his gun in his _____

19. It’s the color of a baseball glove

20. Soft leather used to make moccasins that feels a bit furry on the outside

22. To make a loose knot in a horse’s reins around a hitching post, as a 7D might do

23. What a rider wants her horse to do when she pulls his reins backward

Parents Down

2. Cheers!: Ancient Spaniard’s likely answer to an inquiry about what he is carrying in his leather bota bag (or wineskin)

3. Leather or not: A savvy traveler knows that, though her Coach bag may be made of leather, her ____ in coach likely won’t be

4. Orange orb that hold’s everyone’s attention during the Final Four

5. Batter’s status if he gets tagged with the ball before touching base 6. Jockey’s leather seat 7. Western wrangler beneath a 10-gallon hat

8. Part of the shoe that hits the street (or frequently filleted fish)

10. Number of guests who can sit comfortabl­y on a leather love seat

11. Cash’s cozy home (until you reach the register)

12. TV flashback: Winkler’s leather jacket-clad character that made the ’50s seem cool

14. Leather cords for guiding a gelding 15. Outfielder’s handy equipment 16. Nike’s profitable products 17. What an attorney might carry in his briefcase, obviously

21. Presidenti­al pup, who in 2009, apparently craving a chew toy, munched on a reporter’s microphone


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