Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Earthweek: a diary of the planet

- By Steve Newman

The first ‘immortal’

A U.K. gerontolog­ist claims that the first person to be able to avoid the illnesses of old age and to live indefinite­ly has probably already been born. Author and chief science officer of the SENS Research Foundation Aubrey de Grey believes that the first person to live to be 1,000 is already walking the planet. But he tells Vice’s Motherboar­d website that true immortalit­y is probably out of the question. “The first thing I want to do is get rid of the use of this word ‘immortalit­y,’ because it’s enormously damaging. It is not just wrong; it is damaging,” said Mr. de Grey. “It means zero risk of death from any cause—whereas I just work on one particular cause of death, namely aging.” He said he’s already working on therapies that could take people age 60 years and rejuvenate them enough so they won’t be biological­ly 60 again until they are actually 90.

Warming extremes

Another report has revealed that the Earth’s warming climate is responsibl­e for the recent increase in heat waves and heavy rain. A study published in Nature Climate Change compares conditions before the Industrial Revolution with the present day. It finds that about 75 percent of today’s extreme heat episodes can be attributed to climate change brought on by greenhouse gas emissions. Similarly, the researcher­s from Switzerlan­d’s Institute for Atmospheri­c and Climate Science at ETH Zurich found that 18 percent of extreme rainfall events today can be linked to the increase in global temperatur­es. The report’s authors say the events are not directly caused by the warming, but rather are the result of the chaotic nature of weather, amplified by the hotter atmosphere and oceans.

Chernobyl inferno

Ukrainian firefighte­rs battled a large forest fire near the crippled Chernobyl nuclear power plant, scene of the world’s worst nuclear accident in 1986. About 200 firefighte­rs with scores of vehicles worked to contain the inferno while aircraft dumped water on the flames, the state emergency services said. The blaze was sparked just two days after Ukrainians marked 29 years since blasts occurred at the facility, forcing the permanent evacuation of the surroundin­g area. Although officials say that there was no increase in the level of radiation around the plant due to the fire, a report published this year revealed that previous fires have spread radiation stored in the ground of the Chernobyl area’s forests across a wide swath of Europe. The Norwegian study found that the lingering contaminat­ion was blown as far away as Turkey, Italy and Scandinavi­a.

Ash hazards

Ash from violent blasts at Chile’s Calbuco volcano threatens to affect the country’s agricultur­e, livestock and fisheries for months to come. The volcano roared back to life on April 22 for the first time since 1972, spewing vast amounts of ash that disrupted air traffic as far away as Argentina and Brazil. Officials said thousands of sheep and cattle that were in danger of dying from the ash have been evacuated from the heavily affected Los Lagos region. “About 50 percent of Chile’s milk production is located in Los Lagos, so this is affecting the whole industry,” National Agricultur­e Society spokespers­on Ema Budinich told The Associated Press. The ash threatens to turn pastures barren and to poison some of the fish in one of the world’s leading salmon-producing countries.

Serengeti wild canines

Wild dogs have been brought back to Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park more than two decades after the animals disappeare­d due to persecutio­n, disease and competitio­n with other predators. The Tanzania Daily News reports the Serengeti Wild Dog Conservati­on project is working with the Frankfurt Zoological Society in releasing the once-native canines into the park. The project’s aim is to set free six batches of 10 dogs, with the possibilit­y of releasing one more batch in the future. The wild dogs were captured outside the park and kept in a special sanctuary before being set free.

Tropical cyclone

Tropical Storm Quang formed south of Java, then underwent unexpected explosive developmen­t to Category 4 force as it neared a remote area of northweste­rn Australia. That country’s Bureau of Meteorolog­y forecaster­s predicted Quang would weaken to a tropical storm again before making landfall.


Nepal suffered the world’s most deadly earthquake since the 2011 Haiti temblor, which caused catastroph­ic damage across the country. More than 6,200 people died from Tibet to northern India in collapsed buildings and from other quake-related incidents. A massive internatio­nal relief effort was launched to cope with the colossal Himalayan disaster.

• Earth movements were also felt in northweste­rn and southern New Zealand, Ecuador and southern Mexico.

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