Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


Monday, May 4, 2015


The following astrologic­al forecasts should be read for entertainm­ent value only. These prediction­s have no reliable basis in scientific fact.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): High energy levels will make achieving short-term goals and objectives a mere afterthoug­ht. Clearing your slate of minor tasks now will free up more time to work toward a big-picture goal.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Remember your manners. It may seem unimportan­t or even trivial, but sending thank-you notes and giving others some words of encouragem­ent can yield benefits.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Everybody loves gossip until he or she becomes the subject. While you may not have any deep, dark secrets to hide, take care to be discreet and choose your words carefully.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Do what you can rather than what you can’t. Some circumstan­ces are beyond your control, and while you may not like it, your energies are better focused in a different direction. Kindness and goodness will bounce back to you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Sometimes the best course of action is not taking any action at all. Don’t allow a situation to force you into making a foolish decision. Given time, a problem could correct itself. Bide your time on the sidelines.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Avoid getting caught up in the spin. Others may try to sway your opinion by putting their own slant on the facts. Only trust reliable sources for your data. Wrong is wrong, no matter how many people agree that it’s right.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22.): Wallflower­s don’t have fun. You’ll feel good about yourself if you get out and mingle. Curling up with a book on the couch just won’t cut it, so call up your best buddies, or an intimate acquaintan­ce, to share the evening.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Hold your head high. Others may try to show you up with their shiny new baubles, but you have plenty to be proud of, as well as the good taste not to flaunt it. Trying to be the center of attention may quickly annoy others.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22 Dec. 21): Stay in low gear. While you may be ready to go all out to achieve your objectives, others may prefer a more subtle approach. Avoid making waves in the company of those who prefer to honor convention.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): Open your mind to opposing viewpoints. You’ll be successful in settling a dispute only if you can see the argument from all sides. Find common ground. Go over the books.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A relationsh­ip may be progressin­g too fast for your comfort. It may be wise to cool things down for a short time. Concentrat­ing on your finances could yield insights into cost-cutting measures.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Be realistic. You may expect someone to follow through on a promise, but that may not make it happen. Avoid leaving details to chance. Have a backup plan, so that no matter what happens you have all the bases covered.

IF MAY 4 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your cup runneth over with bubbling optimism and endless possibilit­ies during the next two to three weeks. Wait until June to make irrevocabl­e decisions or changes.

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