Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Red, blue and other hues Americans are polarized and alienated but hopeful, too

- E.J. Dionne Jr. E.J. Dionne is a syndicated columnist for The Washington Post (ejdionne @washpost.com).

So accustomed are we to highlighti­ng the polarized nature of our politics that we often forget how many Americans decline to be painted in bright reds or bright blues. Among us, there are pinks and turquoises and even purples. And these voters will matter a great deal to the elections in 2016 and beyond.

To understand a rather strange moment during which Donald Trump exercises a hypnotic control over the media (I’m as guilty as the next person), it’s important to keep two seemingly contradict­ory ideas in our heads at the same time.

On the one hand, polarizati­on is real. It’s not an invention of the elites. The sharp partisan divide affects a majority of the country, and it’s especially powerful among Americans most likely to vote and to be active in politics.

On the other hand, a very large share of us (including some staunch Democrats and Republican­s) hold nuanced views on many questions. There are a lot of “yes, but” and “both/and” voters out there.

Since elections are won by a combinatio­n of mobilizing committed partisans and persuading the now relatively small number of moveable voters, forgetting either of these realities can be politicall­y fatal.

Taken together, three studies published last week brought home the subtleties of our collective attitudes.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll found that 52 percent of Americans support the Supreme Court’s recent ruling legalizing same-sex marriage while 44 percent oppose it. There is no question that the long-term trend in opinion is dramatical­ly in favor of marriage equality and of gay and lesbian rights.

But when asked how they felt about “the country’s overall direction on social issues these days,” a majority expressed discomfort: 42 percent were “strongly uncomforta­ble,” 21 percent were “somewhat uncomforta­ble,” 21 percent were “somewhat comfortabl­e” and 14 percent were “strongly comfortabl­e.”

Peyton Craighill, the Post’s polling director, provided more detail. It’s clear that the “strongly uncomforta­ble” group is, compared to the country as a whole, disproport­ionately older, more conservati­ve and more Republican.

The group to watch: the “somewhat uncomforta­bles.” They are significan­tly more likely to describe themselves as politicall­y moderate and include a disproport­ionate number of African-Americans and Latinos. These Americans cannot be classified as hostile to changes on “social issues” — a term open to a variety of interpreta­tions — but they do need reassuranc­e. There are lessons here for both liberals (further social progress requires sensitivit­y to those whose feelings are torn) and conservati­ves (a hardline insistence on rolling back social change will turn off large numbers of Americans).

Meanwhile, the Pew Research Center released findings that should alarm Republican­s. Its survey found that only 32 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the Republican Party — down nine points since January — while 60 percent had an unfavorabl­e view. For Democrats, the numbers were 48 percent favorable (up two points) and 47 percent unfavorabl­e.

The 16-point favorabili­ty gap shows what the GOP is up against and why Hillary Clinton has maintained a lead in the national polls — by six points over Jeb Bush in the latest Post/ABC News poll, for example.

And when Pew broke down these numbers at my request, the polarizati­on in the electorate across so many demographi­c lines was sharp: Those with favorable opinions about the Republican­s were overwhelmi­ngly white (72 percent) and tilted conservati­ve (52 percent). Those favorable toward the Democrats were more racially and ethnically diverse (only 55 percent white) and less likely to be conservati­ve (20 percent).

And a hint about the source of Mr. Trump’s surge: Among the 26 percent who see both parties unfavorabl­y, conservati­ves outnumbere­d liberals by almost 3-to-1.

But the third study, a joint product of the Democratic Strategist website and Washington Monthly magazine, points to the work Democrats need to do with white working-class voters.

One key finding, from pollster Stan Greenberg: Such voters are “open to an expansive Democratic economic agenda” but “are only ready to listen when they think that Democrats understand their deeply held belief that politics has been corrupted and government has failed.” This calls for not only “populist measures to reduce the control of big money and corruption” but also, as Mark Schmitt of the New America Foundation argued, “highprofil­e efforts to show that government can be innovative, accessible and responsive.”

This ambivalent feeling about government is the most important “yes, but” impulse in the American electorate, and the party that masters this blend of hope and skepticism will win the 2016 election.

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