Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Stopgap spending bill for highways approved

House compromise averts federal funding shutdown for 3 months

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Congress is poised to avert a looming shutdown of federal highway accounts with passage of a temporary measure that will keep operations funded for the next three months, but the move creates a possible new crisis point for the fall.

The House approved a compromise stopgap bill Wednesday by a vote of 385-34, as Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, allowed lawmakers to dash out of town early for the August recess. The Senate was to follow suit soon after.

As part of the deal, Congress was also tacking on a provision to help the Department of Veterans Affairs avoid closing health care clinics amid its own budget shortfall. The agency will be able to tap $3 billion over the next two months to cover rising costs associated with providing veterans faster health services in order to avoid long wait times.

Lost in the compromise, though, was an effort to salvage the Export-Import Bank, the 81-year-old federal financial institutio­n whose ability to make new loans was halted by Congress last month amid criticism that the bank was an example of corporate welfare.

Renewing the bank’s authority created a tense standoff in Congress when Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican presidenti­al candidate, accused his party’s Senate leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, of

lying about a deal to allow a vote on the matter.

“It is a profound mistake to allow the Export-Import Bank to remain without lending capacity,” Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Wednesday at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. “What it means is our businesses … are competing on unfair terms with foreign competitor­s.”

The last-minute highway compromise averts the immediate crisis that could have shut down transporta­tion projects nationwide as of Friday. But the temporary nature of the deal sets up another potential stalemate in three months, as Congress has no long-term solution for funding highway accounts.

The House’s short-term funding bill would give lawmakers breathing space to hammer out a more lasting solution for America’s crumbling infrastruc­ture, seen by the Obama administra­tion as vital to future economic growth.

The Senate was expected to vote Thursday on an ambitious bipartisan transporta­tion bill that would authorize $350 billion in spending on transporta­tion projects over six years, but provide actual funding for only three years. But a Republican aide said the Senate would likely take up the House’s bill soon afterward. Approval of it would thrust the thorny issue of how to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in highway money into a turbulent tax-and-spending debate aimed at avoiding a government shutdown Oct. 1.

House lawmakers previously approved an $8.1 billion measure to extend highway funding into December, while working on their own long-term measure. Now, they will have less time to craft legislatio­n when they return in September from their five-week summer break. The two chambers would then have to agree on details before sending a final long-term package to President Barack Obama’s desk for his signature.

The highway fund has run into trouble because the 18cents-a-gallon federal gas tax, which provides much of the program’s revenue, has not kept pace with constructi­on costs and inflation. In addition, vehicles have become more fuel-efficient, so less gas is bought. The last time the gas tax was raised was 1993.

To keep the fund operating, Congress is approving $8 billion to continue transporta­tion projects through Oct. 29, largely paid with a mishmash of revenues from various federal sources. Reaching a long-term solution has been difficult because the House and Senate, both controlled by Republican majorities, have different approaches.

The House wants to overhaul the internatio­nal business tax code to fund the highway accounts, but the Senate’s Mr. McConnell said Tuesday that he was “skeptical” of that approach. Instead, the majority leader this week pushed a bipartisan bill in the Senate that would fund the highway accounts for three years by drawing on a hodgepodge of budget trims and new revenue streams. The Senate bill also carries several key changes to transporta­tion policy, and is expected to be a starting point for broader discussion­s with the House on a compromise when lawmakers return from their summer recess after Labor Day.

The future of the ExportImpo­rt Bank remains uncertain, however. The House finished its work Wednesday, with the Senate expected to recess next week, with no action to save the institutio­n. Conservati­ves want to wind down the bank, but backers from the business community say it is needed to provide loans to overseas firms that buy U.S. exports.

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