Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Kids across/ Parents down

Enjoy fun time with mom, dad or your favorite grown-up. The across clues are for kids, and the down clues are for adults.


Kids Across

1. It’s “crunch” time: Everybody knows that an apple is a delicious fall _____ 3. It’s a word that means “nightfall” and rhymes with “tusk” 7. If it begins to rain while you’re taking a walk, the first drop will probably fall on your ____ 8. Autumn art: When you’re coloring a picture of a tree in the fall, you might choose to use a red, orange or brown _____ 10. Daylight saving time tip: November is the month when people set their clocks ____ one hour 11. This year, the first day of fall falls on ______ 23rd 14. Where you are if you see a trapeze artist stumble and fall into the safety net below her 16. It’s where a cookie crumb might end up if it falls out of your mouth 18. Big sacks that hold autumn leaves after you’ve raked them 21. Tiny 18A of dried leaves dunked in cups of boiling water make this hot, tasty drink 22. A section cut from a fallen tree that is ready for a family’s fireplace 23. It’s the color of most leaves before autumn arrives 24. A fall farewell: What is the last word one leaf might say to another one as it falls from their tree?

Parents Down

1. It followed the rise of the Roman empire (and the word “into” in this puzzle’s theme title) 2. 1D family feast that focuses on gratitude 4. Sudden impact: What a bolt of lightning can do to a tree that causes it to fall 5. Season after autumn 6. Source of every teardrop 7. Age-old question: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody ____ it, does it make a sound?” 9. What you could do to a canoe to dunk everyone in it 12. Even the best gymnast will fall if he loses his _____ 13. Timeless bedtime classic, like “Rock-a-Bye Baby,” which warns of what happens when the bough breaks (How is that a soothing song?!) 15. Fall is the time to pull it out of the closet 17. Container that Jack (or Jill) probably lost a grip on as they fell down that hill 19. Old adage: “If you don’t _____ for something, you’ll fall for anything” 20. One piece of paper torn from a looseleaf notebook

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