Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

France: Migrant camp now empty

Thousands are moving to reception centers to seek asylum

- By Elaine Ganley

Associated Press

CALAIS, France — French authoritie­s declared the Calais migrant camp known as “the jungle” empty Wednesday, after fires set by departing migrants accelerate­d plans to evacuate the slum.

Local officials announced the destructio­n of the camp, where thousands fleeing war and poverty have lived in squalor as they waited for a chance to sneak across the English Channel into Britain. Migrants are being moved to reception centers around France where they can seek asylum.

“The camp is completely empty. There are no more migrants in the camp,” said Prefect Fabienne Buccio, the state’s highest authority in the region. “Our mission has been fully fulfilled.”

She said fires that engulfed swaths of the sprawling camp after midnight and continuing Wednesday “show the camp is empty.”

Authoritie­s said four Afghans had been detained earlier Wednesday on suspicion of setting fires, which slightly injured one person who was taken to the local hospital. About 100 migrants were evacuated.

“When Afghans leave, they set fires. It’s not our custom,” Ms. Buccio said.

Migrants were seen milling around despite the announceme­nt, but authoritie­s said they would stop processing people by Wednesday evening.

Migrants have flocked to the Calais region for decades, but the camp has grown as Europe’s migrant crisis expanded. As it evolved into a massive slum supported by aid groups, France finally decided to shut it down.

Officials said 1,500 migrants would be sent to reception centers around France on Wednesday. A total of 5,000 have been given shelter since the first day of the operation on Monday.

That includes unaccompan­ied minors being housed in heated containers in the camp, apparently untouched by the blazes.

As the reality of the mass evacuation took hold, fearful migrants from Afghanista­n, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria and Pakistan braced for a new reality. Some pledged to just keep moving.

Numerous migrants heading down the road said they would not get on a bus and were determined to slip into Britain.

“This jungle is no good. We go to new jungle,” said a 20-year-old from Pakistan, identifyin­g himself as Muhammad Afridi. He said he was joining up to 30 friends in a place he refused to identify.

 ?? Emilio Morenatti/Associated Press ?? A migrant looks Wednesday at the remains of a shop burnt in the makeshift migrant camp near Calais.
Emilio Morenatti/Associated Press A migrant looks Wednesday at the remains of a shop burnt in the makeshift migrant camp near Calais.

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