Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

White House ready to levy sanctions against Iran over test-firing of missile

- By Vivian Salama and Matthew Lee

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion is preparing to levy new sanctions on Iran, U.S. officials said Thursday, in the first punitive action since the White House put Iran “on notice” after it test-fired a ballistic missile.

Up to two dozen Iranian individual­s, companies and possibly government agencies could be penalized as part of the move, expected as early as today, said the officials and others with knowledge of the decision. The individual­s weren’t authorized to discuss the unannounce­d sanctions publicly and insisted on anonymity.

The sanctions, coming in the first weeks of President Donald Trump’s term, reflect his administra­tion’s desire to take a strong stance toward Iran from the start. Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump accused the Obama administra­tion of being insufficie­ntly tough on Iran and vowed to crack down if elected.

The White House and the State Department declined to comment.

It was unclear exactly which entities would be sanctioned.

As many as 17 entities may face sanctions for actions connected to Iran’s ballistic missile work, according to two people familiar with the plans who asked not to be identified. An additional seven or

eight entities may be punished for terrorism-related actions, they said. The groups would be designated under existing presidenti­al executive orders.

The sanctions aren’t directed at Iran’s nuclear program and wouldn’t directly affect the agreement forged under President Barack Obama’s administra­tion that eased restrictio­ns in exchange for Iran’s promise not to develop nuclear weapons, according to the people.

Many sanctions on Iran that had been imposed in response to its nuclear program were lifted in the final years of the Obama administra­tion as part of the nuclear deal the U.S. and world powers brokered. Some of those penalties could be reimposed under separate sanctions authoritie­s unrelated to nuclear issues.

That prospect raises the possibilit­y of a fresh confrontat­ion between the U.S. and Iran, which has forcefully argued that it considers any new sanctions a violation of the nuclear deal. The U.S. has maintained that it retains the right to sanction Iran for other behavior such as supporting terrorism.

“This is fully consistent with the Obama administra­tion’s commitment to Congress that the nuclear deal does not preclude the use of non-nuclear sanctions,” said Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracie­s, which advocates for a hard-line U.S. position on Iran.

The impending sanctions come the same week that Mr. Trump and his aides issued cryptic warnings about potential retaliatio­n against Iran for testing a ballistic missile and for supporting Shiite rebels in Yemen known as the Houthis. The U.S. accuses Iran of arming and financing the rebels, who this week claimed a successful missile strike against a warship belonging to a Saudi-led coalition fighting to reinstall Yemen’s internatio­nally recognized government. Iran denies arming the Houthis.

“As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice,” said Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

U.S. lawmakers from both parties have encouraged Mr. Trump not to let the missile test go unpunished. On Thursday, the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee joined more than a dozen lawmakers urging Mr. Trump to act.

“Iranian leaders must feel sufficient pressure to cease deeply destabiliz­ing activities,” they wrote.

Iran has reacted angrily to the threats of retaliatio­n. Ali-Akbar Velayati, foreign adviser to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, predicted this week that “the U.S. will be the final loser.”

“It is not for the first time that a naive person from the U.S. poses threats to Iran,” Mr. Velayati said, according to Iran’s staterun IRNA news agency.

Though Mr. Trump has long derided the nuclear deal, under which Iran agreed to roll back its nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, recently he has avoided repeating his campaign pledge to renegotiat­e it. Iran has insisted the deal won’t be re-opened, and other world powers that negotiated it with the U.S. have little appetite for revising it.

The Trump team, like the Obama administra­tion before it, has stated that Iran’s ballistic missile testing doesn’t violate the nuclear deal itself. But as part of the final negotiatio­ns for that deal, Iran agreed to an eight-year extension of a U.N. ban on ballistic missile developmen­t.

The U.N. Security Council later endorsed the agreement, calling on Iran not to carry out such tests. But Iran has flouted the prohibitio­n in the past year-anda-half, drawing sanctions from the U.S. and diplomatic cover from Russia.

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