Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Gas nonsense


Sen. Guy Reschentha­ler has jumped on the Republican “alternativ­e facts” train. With his Feb. 1 Perspectiv­es piece (“Natural Gas Is Improving Our Air”), he wants us to believe that drilling gas wells in Pennsylvan­ia is good for our health. Furthermor­e, he says that because our air is finally improving, it’s high time we relaxed our controls on the noxious effluence from gas wells. And finally he tries to convince us that air quality is improving because so many wells are being drilled in our state.

There is not a grain of truth to any of that, and his argument is as smelly as a methane leak. First of all, Pennsylvan­ia air quality is not good — especially in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvan­ia is ranked in the bottom third of states for overall air quality. While air quality has improved, it has a long way to go before we can call our air healthy. Second, industrial release of carbon dioxide, methane or greenhouse gases cannot be attributed with healthy properties.

So until the day when our air is truly healthy on any reasonable scale, the state Department of Environmen­tal Protection should diligently try to manage down all sources of pollution, particular­ly those from deeppocket­s gas extraction companies like the ones poking holes in Pennsylvan­ia. Go find us some clean industry jobs, senator, and stop supporting extraction industries with alternativ­e facts. NICKOLAS CERTO Washington’s Landing

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