Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Assad’s actions are why Syrians seek refuge


In reference to the Assad regime’s recent chemical weapons attack that killed scores of Syrian civilians, including dozens of children, President Donald Trump stated that his attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed. The president claims that the “attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me, big impact. That was a horrible, horrible thing. And I’ve been watching it and seeing it, and it doesn’t get any worse than that.”

I hope that the president’s attitude has indeed changed and that he will now reconsider and withdraw his executive order suspending the refugee program for 180 days (although currently blocked by the courts, this portion of the executive order would bar Syrian and other refugees from entering the country during that period).

The men, women, and children who were gassed by their own government are the very same people seeking refuge in America. Our national indignatio­n over this heinous act rings hollow if we continue to prohibit our fellow human beings from finding safety and welcome on our shores. KEITH G. KONDRICH

Swisshelm Park is a necessary loading zone for the touring shows that come to the Benedum Center? Exchange Way is not beautiful, but it does serve an important purpose: “trash pickups, deliveries and restaurant grease traps.” Where would those functions be without Exchange Way? Right on the newly widened sidewalks of Liberty?

Upon leaving Northern Virginia, I could have chosen to live anywhere but chose Pittsburgh. Why? Cost of living, the right kind of housing in the right location, cultural offerings, walkabilit­y and convenient mass transit. If Envision Downtown really wants to make this location more comfortabl­e for residents, it should work diligently to get a full-service grocery store and other amenities Downtown.

I can walk to get a haircut, get dinner and see a show, but I have to drive to buy reasonably priced paper towels.

I find that many tenants in my building leave after a year. The suggested changes to Liberty won’t persuade them to stay, but if those changes result in more difficulti­es for me, I may choose to leave. JULIE YOUNG


We welcome your opinion

White-tailed deer are probably the major mode of transporta­tion of infected ticks into people’s backyards.

One hundred- to 200-pound deer provide many more blood meals and carry hundreds of thousands more deer ticks into residentia­l areas than 1-ounce mice. Was this article co-written by the Pennsylvan­ia Game Commission, which is trying to cover up its failure to control the suburban deer population­s?

By the way, we are suburban victims of Lyme disease. GERALD and ELSE SCHILLER

Penn Hills

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