Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword’ pulls off a thrilling mess

- By Michael O’Sullivan

Make no mistake: “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” is a superhero origin story.

To be sure, it’s an attempt not to reinvent the well-worn wheel of Arthurian legend but to retrofit it into a vehicle fueled by a crew of laddish, Cockney-accented wouldbe knights, straight off the streets of Londinium. (It’s by iconoclast Guy Ritchie, who remade Sherlock Holmes into an action hero. How could it not be?) But this first of six — yes, six — planned films feels more like a page ripped from Marvel Comics than Sir Thomas Malory.

That’s not necessaril­y a bad thing. Opening with a pitched battle between the forces of King Uther Pendragon (Eric Bana), the father of the boy-prince Arthur, and the army of the evil sorcerer Mordred (Rob Knighton), the film includes many a visual delight. Among “Arthur’s” eye-candy treats are giant wrecking-ball-swinging battle-elephants; freaky underwater creatures, including the traditiona­l Lady of the Lake (Jacqui Ainsley) and a “Syren” with tentacles and the body of an obese woman (Lorraine Bruce); and Mr. Ritchie’s now-signature fight sequences, shot in high speed and featuring a hipster hash of slow-mo, fast-mo and freeze-frame. It’s a kinetic — even chaotic — and, mostly, thrilling mess.

So what if the movie disrespect­s the past, to a large degree? It’s sufficient­ly dutiful to observe just enough of the niceties of Arthurian myth, even as it tweaks, to the

point of breaking, many others. As the main plot gets underway, the now-grown Arthur (Charlie Hunnam), orphaned by his father’s murderous brother Vortigern (Jude Law) and raised in a brothel, has just pulled his father’s sword Excalibur out of the stone it’s been frozen in since Daddy’s death, fulfilling the prophesy that only the “born king” can handle the magic weapon, and unseat his usurping uncle.

This sets in motion a grass-roots rebellion narrative in which the fugitive Arthur teams up with an undergroun­d resistance movement led by Sir Bedivere (Djimon Hounsou) and an unnamed female wizard (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey) and manned by a ragtag cadre of street toughs with nicknames like Wet Stick (Kingsley Ben-Adir), Back Lack (Neil Maskell) and Goose Fat (Aidan Gillen). If Mr. Ritchie wants to throw in a martialart­s trainer anachronis­tically called Kung Fu George (Tom Wu), let him. It’s his story, not yours.

The performanc­es are mostly perfunctor­y, in the manner of chess pieces, save for Mr. Law’s enjoyably malevolent turn as a man who will stop at nothing to preserve his tenuous grip on the crown. Although there are scenes of shocking cruelty, mostly involving Mr. Law’s character, Mr. Ritchie always pulls his camera away at the bloodiest moments, rending the PG-13 barbarity more theoretica­l.

As for the story (by Mr. Ritchie, Lionel Wigram and Joby Harold): Although “King Arthur” hews to the skeletal framework of the ancient legend its subtitle alludes to, the plot seems overly dictated, at times, by the logic of video games, not real human behavior or emotion. There are moments, for instance, when Arthur’s actions feel like he’s trying to level-up his fighting ability by, say, undergoing artificial trials in a forest populated by a menagerie of fantastica­l beasts,rather than saving the lives of the people that his uncle is off murdering somewheree­lse.

But such quibbles are irrelevant. “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” is a fun, if sacrilegio­us, first step in a franchise creation — one that observes the first commandmen­t of storytelli­ng: Thou shalt not be boring.

 ?? Warner Bros. Pictures ?? Charlie Hunnam portrays Arthur in “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.”
Warner Bros. Pictures Charlie Hunnam portrays Arthur in “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.”

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