Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Administra­tion to renegotiat­e NAFTA

- By Paul Wiseman

WASHINGTON — Making good on a campaign promise, the Trump administra­tion took the first formal step toward overhaulin­g NAFTA when it formally told Congress on Thursday that it intends to renegotiat­e that trade pact with Canada and Mexico.

U.S. Trade Rep. Robert Lighthizer sent a letter to congressio­nal leaders Thursday, starting 90 days of consultati­ons with lawmakers — which is required under socalled fast-track trade legislatio­n — over how to revamp the North American Free Trade Agreement. Talks with Canada and Mexico that could influence more than $1.2 trillion in annual trade and shake up corporate supply chains may begin after that.

The two-page letter offered few details about what changes the administra­tion would seek in the 23year-old pact that President Donald Trump has called “a disaster.” Mr. Lighthizer told reporters that any new deal should do a better job of protecting U.S. factory workers and should be updated to reflect new technologi­es.

Last month, White House aides spread word that Mr. Trump was ready to pull out of NAFTA. Within hours, the president reversed course and said that he’d seek a better deal


“We are going to give renegotiat­ion a good strong shot,” Mr. Lighthizer said. He refused to say whether leaving NAFTAremai­ned an option.

In keeping with Mr. Trump’s belief that the U.S. has been short-changed in multilater­al trade agreements, Mr. Lighthizer said he expected a lot of the negotiatio­ns to be bilateral, although he did not take a hardened positionon that.

The trade agreement has been a lightning rod for criticism since it was being negotiated in the early 1990s. During the 1992 presidenti­al campaign, independen­t candidate Ross Perot famously predicted a “giant sucking sound” as NAFTA pulled U.S. factory jobs south of the border into Mexico. Campaignin­g last year, Mr. Trump vowed to renegotiat­e NAFTA and pull out of it he couldn’t geta better deal.

NAFTA took effect in 1994 and triggered a big increase in trade among the three countries. American farmers have mostly benefited from the reduction in trade barriers. But the pact did encourage American manufactur­ers to relocate some operations to Mexico to take advantage of cheaper labor there, so critics blame NAFTA for wiping out U.S. factory jobs.

“Since the signing of NAFTA, we have seen our manufactur­ing industry decimated, factories shuttered, and countless workers left jobless,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement. “President Trump is going to change that.”

Mr. Lighthizer did not address specific areas in manufactur­ing, and he took only a couple of questions from reporters. But Mr. Trump and his administra­tion officials, including Mr. Ross, who with Mr. Lighthizer is leading the charge on trade, have been critical of how NAFTA prompted car and car parts makers to establish plants in Mexico.

In March, the administra­tion circulated an eight-page draft letter on NAFTA that disappoint­ed critics by appearing to keep much of the existing trade agreement in place.

Thursday’sletter had fewer specifics. Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, called it “markedly vague.” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi complained that “the president’s vague NAFTA letter is a stark contrast with the aggressive promises he made to hard-working families during thecampaig­n.”

ButRepubli­can congressio­nal leaders promised to work with the administra­tion to crafta better deal.

“We look forward to working with the administra­tion to strengthen the agreement in a seamless way and ensure that we retain the current benefits for American workers, farmers and businesses,” said Texas Republican Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Mexico and Canada signaled that they welcomed the opportunit­y to modernize the agreement.

Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, urged the administra­tion to reach a deal quickly.

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