Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Someone must answer for W.Va. reporter’s arrest


Regarding the May 16 editorial “Reporters Ask Questions: An Outrageous Arrest by W.Va. Capitol Police”: Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone gets creative. The West Virginia Capitol Police have done just that.Dan Heyman, a reporter for Public News Service, was arrested and held in jail for eight hours and summarily charged with a misdemeano­r count of “willful disruption of government­al processes” while attempting to ask questions of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. The details of his miscreant activity: He caused a disturbanc­e by yelling questions and trying to breach security, according to the criminalco­mplaint.

There is so much to be explained here. How is yelling questions disturbing? Did he yell too loudly? Did someone measure the decibel level of his yelling? Or did he ask too many questions that went unanswered? Do the West Virginia Capitol Police have a specified number of questions that you may ask before you are attempting to breach security or a decibel level that you cannot exceed before you breach security? And these acts are a “willful disruption of government­al processes”?

In the cold gray light of day, does this make sense to anyone? And one more thing: Sen. Joe Manchin, where are you? PAUL KATUS

McCandless in the election! But to wait months — after praising theman — to fire him when he is leading an investigat­ion into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia’s hacking of the Democrats smacks of insincerit­y in the least.

At best, it can be attributed to stupidity and a complete lack of understand­ing of ethics and the law. At worst, it might be obstructio­n of justice. Look, Hillary Clinton lost the election; Mr. Rieber needs to get over that! Who cares about her anyhow?

What is important is to find out if we, the people of this country, have been snookered, hoodwinked, taken advantage of. The investigat­ion needs to continue, honestly and truthfully.

Finally, Mr. Rieber states that “if Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren are the face of the Democratic Party of the future, then you folks are in trouble.” What he needs to understand is that there are no “you folks.” It is “us” and us alone! There is no “they” and “them,” only We need, especially now, to understand that and to move on the best we can, whether we believe in Mr. Trump or not and whether we trust Mr. Trump or not.

He will someday be gone. will not! We and coming generation­s will be living with the results, good or bad, of this election in the future. need to think long and hard and force our elected representa­tives to do what is right, regardless of where that leads. TOM KERIN

Bethel Park Rieber neglected to mention that little fact. Why aren’t the Republican­s screaming bloody murder?

Then on a different note, Mr. Rieber said the Democrats are in trouble by having the face of the Democratic Party be two strong women. May I unconfuse Mr. Rieber by stating that at least we have two faces represente­d by two people. The Republican Party has Donald Trump as its twofaces, but in one person. JOE BRANCATO


A quick switch: Neil Sedaka out, Broadway hits in! A day before Mr. Sedaka was to present his Pittsburgh Symphony Pops concert at Heinz Hall, the news arrived that due to an accident, he had to cancel his show (“Sedaka’s Concerts Postponed,” May 12). The Pops office worked diligently to find a replacemen­t. Kudos to the staff for finding a replacemen­t quickly.

Two stars from Broadway, Debbie Gravitte and Doug LaBrecque, presented a variety of songs from Broadway shows that were most enjoyable. It was a quick switch but also a great switch! NITA POTOCAR Bethel Park

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