Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Inside out

Outsiders know things that insiders don’t. But Beltway conservati­ves know some things too, says


The conservati­ve voters who elected Donald Trump seem to feel especially betrayed when those who document his failures and violations are fellow conservati­ves. Like me.

“Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome,” they say: another libertaria­n sucked in by D.C. cocktail circuit, enjoying her cozy establishm­ent perch.

Right-leaning writers are hearing a lot of such accusation­s these days, even those who never go to cocktail parties, and whose opposition to Mr. Trump has cost them readers and opportunit­ies. And yet it’s easy to see where these accusation­s come from: Washington does tend to blunt the sharper ideologica­l edges of conservati­ves and libertaria­ns who spend much time here. That doesn’t necessaril­y happen because their values crumble toward the establishm­ent consensus. It happens because their perspectiv­e changes. Certain things about Washington are visible only up close.

I’m not saying that Inside the Beltway is smart and the rest of the country is dumb; distance offers perspectiv­e. But that perspectiv­e comes at the expense of detail, and often those details change the picture considerab­ly. Outsiders know things that insiders don’t, such as what’s happening in the world beyond I-495. But the insiders know some things too, and those things also matter.

Consider the endless debates over the ongoing series of leaks. Washington conservati­ves read the news stories, too. But for connected conservati­ves in D.C., the media isn’t the only source of informatio­n about this administra­tion. I’d venture to say that most of them

have by now heard at least one or two amazing stories attesting to the emerging convention­al wisdom: that the president either can’t, or refuses to, follow any kind of policy discussion for more than a few minutes; that the president will not be told no, or corrected about anything, forcing his staff to take their concerns to the media if they want to get his attention; that the infighting within the West Wing is unpreceden­tedly vicious, and that those sort of failures always stem from the top; and that his own hand-picked staffers “have no respect for him, indeed they seem to palpitate with contempt for him.” They hear these things from conservati­ves, including people who were Trump supporters or at least, Trump-neutral. They know these folks. They know, to their sorrow, that these people are telling the truth.

They can also compare what they’re hearing to what they heard, both on and off therecord, during the last Republican administra­tion. Even in George W. Bush’s final days, when the financial crisis was in full swing and his approval ratings hovered around 25 percent, there was nothing like this level of dysfunctio­n inside the White House, this frenzy of backbiting­leakage.

So even though they agree with conservati­ve outsiders that the media skews very liberal, and take all its pronouncem­ents about Republican­s with a heavy sprinkling of salt, they know that the reports of this administra­tion’s dysfunctio­n aren’t all media hype. They have seen the mediarepor­t on their own work, and that of their friends; they know what sort of things that bias distorts, and what it doesn’t. Washington conservati­ves know that reporters are not making up these incredible quotes, or relying only on Democratic holdovers, or getting bits of gossip from the janitor. They know that the Trump administra­tion is in fact leaking like a rusty sieve — from the top on down — and that this is a sign of a president who has, in just four short months, completely lost control over his own hand-picked staff. Which is why the entire city, left to right, is watching the unfolding drama with mouth agapeand heads shaking.

From watching the battles of the past, Washington conservati­ves know that the republicca­n survive bad domestic policy (at least of the sort that can actually make it through the American political and judicial processes), but that foreign policy missteps are harder to recover from, and easier for a president to make on his own. They know too, of course, that consultati­on and planning didn’t keep Mr. Bush and Barack Obama from making plenty of mistakes, bad ones. It’s just that they know the mistakes are likely to be even more frequent, and more grievous, if the president has not put in the work to familiariz­e himself with complicate­d matters, and will not deferto the people who have.

And here’s the final thing that they know: that if you want to do anything big in Washington, there’s a lot of smaller stuff that has to happen first. You don’t write code or build a building without a lot of stuff that probably seems expensive and unnecessar­y to the customers, and our product requires similarly careful planning and management.

Some of the hoops that a president’s staff must jump through are legally required; some of them are simply necessary to make sure that your bill doesn’t explode on the steps of the Capitol, or die a gruesome public death in the Supreme Court. They include: appointing policy staff; deciding on policy goals, strategy and tactics; keeping the staff from descending into the infighting that inevitably besets any large organizati­on; providing regular oversight of evolving policies to make sure they adhere to the president’s goals; setting up channels and a process to get input from Congress and legal advisers; writing a very detailed plan that provides guidance to staff and legislator­s, and reassuranc­e to the public; and having your political and communicat­ions strategy lined up long before you roll out that plan. Insiders know that this process looks cumbrous and unnecessar­y to outsiders; they also know that getting majorities in Congress, and legislatio­n that will survive a court challenge, is a Herculean task that cannot be completed without many thousands of people devoting many thousands of hours to these labors.

What conservati­ves in Washington also know is that the Trump administra­tion hasn’t even completed the first step. And that political capital, vital to pushing a policy forward against the inevitably fierce resistance from special interests, is a rapidly depreciati­ng asset. Which is why they know one morething: that unless something changes, Mr. Trump poses no threat to the establishm­ent, other than the same risk that they’d face from any ordinary Republican president — that the unpopulari­ty of the man in the Oval Office will dribble downticket, and cost them seats in the next election.

The hated “establishm­ent” is firmly in charge of such policy process as exists in the Trump era, with Congress basically going ahead to make its own health-care bill because the White House has proven incapable of providing meaningful input. Non-policy accomplish­ments, such as the appointmen­t of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, are no more than his supporters would have gotten from any of the Republican candidates they derided as “RINOs.” On some issues, such as religious liberty, he has probably been worse for key portions of his base than any other Republican contender would have been.

The one area where Mr. Trump might actually override the establishm­ent — immigratio­n — has so far delivered only changes that can be easily reversed by the next president. (Who is likely to be a Democrat, in 2020, unless Mr. Trump's approval ratings turn around.) Any sort of lasting change will require legislatio­n. And right now, the establishm­ent owns the legislativ­e process.

So what conservati­ves here know is that the freakout in Washington, which looks from afar like a battle between Mr. Trump and “the establishm­ent,” is actually one side screaming in amazement as the other side turn theirweapo­ns on each other.

Of course, that’s not the only reason that Washington conservati­ves are screaming. They fear that Mr. Trump’s incompeten­ce may torpedo the policies where they and the outsiders are in agreement: a better tax code, a fix for Obamacare’s many problems. They are desperatel­y worried that his sinking approval ratings will hand Democrats at least one chamber of Congress, and the White House in 2020, where they will resume all the things both camps of conservati­sm hated about the Obama administra­tion. And they are sincerely and deeply concernedt­hat through bumbling or bad character, he will do considerab­le damage to things more important thanparty or ideology.

Are conservati­ves in Washington missing something through their myopia? Undoubtedl­y;that’s how they missed the rise of Mr. Trump, after all. But the folks outside of Washington are missing things too. The two sides can surely find some better way to share informatio­n than shouting past each other.

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