Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Will Trump now keep his health care promise?


Americans worried about health care should stop worrying about what Donald Trump is going to do. After pulling out of the Paris climate agreement because that was what he promised during his campaign, we should breathe a sigh of relief.

This means he will keep his promise to the American people when he said everyone will have affordable coverage —

He is doing his very best to keep his promises regardless of how reckless and detrimenta­l someof them are to our country.

Let’s just hope when it comes to health care, this will be a promise he keeps for the welfare of the U.S. MICHELE JANOSKO

Robinson from climate change — healthy and safe. In these dangerous times, we cannot afford the nation’s leader to have any personal conflicts of interest, especially when so many present and future lives are at stake. Americans should find none of this normal or even remotely acceptable. It’s deplorable. EDWARD C. KETYER, M.D.

Peters decade? Shouldn’t it be higher because of the lost jobs due to green practices? Shouldn’t we have a listing of all the companies that have closed or declared bankruptci­es because of “green” practices? To quote from “The King and I,” “is a puzzlement.” PHYLLIS GREGOR

Penn Hills

Oh, how I disagree with Helen Cindrich, executive director, People Concerned for the Unborn Child (“The Roe Quagmire,” June 5 letters). One of my grandmothe­rs was 35, had seven children, was married to an alcoholic and could hardly feed the children she had. She was pregnant again and did the only thing available to women at the time, “the coat hanger.” She and her fetus died.

All seven of her children were put in horrible foster homes that even Stephen King would have a hard time imagining. This left generation­s of misery and dysfunctio­n for these children.

I guess Ms. Cindrich would want women to go back to that choice. Strange, I never hear of these groups adopting, feeding or caring for the millions of children who need their care. If abortion is truly a “sin,” permit the person making that decision to pay the price, not the unwanted child who may be abused, unloved and uncared for.

Now Donald Trump is planning to give employers the “moral” choice not to provide birth control under their insurancep­lans. Another stupid idea. JANE HARVATH

West View

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