Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Mideast mission

A new team wades into Israel-Palestine, eyes open


As is the case with most new administra­tions, that of President Donald Trump is in the process of exploring whether there is any possibilit­y of adding the achievemen­t of an Israeli-Palestinia­n settlement to the notches in his gun.

History would tell him “no.” The trouble started in 1948, under President Harry Truman, and 11 succeeding presidents have tried and eventually failed to resolve the issues that stand between the Israelis and Palestinia­ns and a reasonably stable resolution of the problem of who gets what in the former Palestine.

The question now is, are the Trump administra­tion’s prospects any better than those of his predecesso­rs in the 69year-old quest?

Two points are eminently clear. The first is the iron-clad determinat­ion of the Israeli people to maintain their essentiall­y Jewish, democratic state. The second, almost equally clear, is the fact that the Palestinia­ns are not going to go away and will continue to insist on having their own state, just as the Israelis do. Both the Arabs and the rest of the world probably believed in 1948 that the Palestinia­ns, defeated, dispersed and lacking coherence as a movement, would go away. But they haven’t, and may even be making some slight progress, at the U.N. and in the world, toward recognized statehood.

The Palestinia­ns’ main advantage, perhaps their only advantage in the contest, is the fact that the Israelis who would want to absorb the West Bank into a greater Israel also do not seem prepared to accept the implicatio­ns of the population numbers that would entail. That is to say that, unless Israel wanted to try some sort of state where Palestinia­ns would be in the former situation of blacks in South Africa, called apartheid, granting them equal rights would eventually put Jews into the minority in an expanded Israel, very hard for them ever to accept.

Thus, even though the expression has become tired over the years, the so-called two-state resolution of the problem turns up again.

It is hard to see what, apart from his relationsh­ip with his father-inlaw, Jared Kushner as U.S. envoy brings to the problem. Neither Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas are leaders who constitute particular­ly fruitful material for a likely agreement. Mr. Netanyahu is a wily politician plagued with scandal. Mr. Abbas is old and has extended his term as PA president embarrassi­ngly long. No one on the U.S. side is in useful contact with Hamas, which rules in the Gaza Strip. Qatar, formerly a useful intermedia­ry to Hamas, is now threatened by the region’s new bulldog, Saudi Arabia, and its clients, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, none of them particular­ly reliable partners in a deal.

Israel can probably get from the Trump administra­tion whatever it wants in terms of weapons and other aid without yielding an inch on an agreement with the Palestinia­ns. In spite of its perhaps increased confidence in Mr. Trump as president, and Mr. Trump’s possibly better relations with the Saudis and some other Arab leaders, Israel’s leaders are easily savvy enough to understand the shaky situation in Washington and not want at this time to make any long-term deals based on the Trump administra­tion’s long-term prospects. As for the Palestinia­ns, they still have to resolve both the divisions between Mr. Abbas’ party, Fatah, and Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza before they can even present a unified Palestinia­n front in any negotiatio­ns with the Israelis, the Americans or the other Arabs.

Thus, there is probably no harm in Mr. Kushner at least testing the waters one more time, with a new team in power in Washington, to see if any progress can be made. But, given the circumstan­ces, in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and Washington, no one should expect much. The issue remains unresolved on the world’s agenda and ever dangerous — a flame burning in the fireworks factory that the Middle East remains, to its and to America’s sorrow.

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