Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

State funds could help homes with lead water, sewer lines

- By Liz Navratil and Adam Smeltz

Amid the budget impasse enveloping Harrisburg this summer, legislator­s slipped into state spending bills language that would empower the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority to help homeowners replace their lead service lines.

The provision, tucked into a document called the fiscal code, would allow PWSA and similar agencies across the state to replace or repair privately owned segments of select utility lines — but only if the work would “benefit the public health, public water supply system or public sewer system.” Municipal authoritie­s would have to consider the “availabili­ty of public funds, equipment, personnel and facilities” before starting.

Backed by the Senate last month, the measure could ease complete replacemen­ts for thousands of lead service connection­s in Pittsburgh as PWSA tries to eliminate the hazardous metal. Yet a final vote is uncertain, delayed while advocates wait for lawmakers to return to the Capitol.

“We think that helping Pittsburgh solve this infrastruc­ture problem could be a model for other municipali­ties,” said Kevin Acklin, chief of staff under Mayor Bill Peduto.

Mr. Peduto’s office has argued that enlisting PWSA to handle private lead line work would streamline the replacemen­ts, which are expected to continue for years.

Sen. Wayne Fontana, DBrookline, floated similar legislatio­n in the past, but it gained traction after PWSA’s problems

intensifie­d in recent months. A version of his proposal easily passed the Senate but has not come up for a floor vote in the House.

Mr. Fontana said in a statement that he pushed to include the language in the fiscal code because “this funding flexibilit­y is too crucial to our communitie­s for it to senselessl­y languish in the House.” In a separate interview, he said House Speaker Mike Turzai, R-Marshall, could seek to delete the Senateappr­oved language. The GOP controls both chambers.

“He could take it out if he is so inclined,” Mr. Fontana said. “I think that will just ignite the situation even more if he does, but that’s certainly something he could do.”

Exactly what House Republican­s will do with the Senate bills — let alone the language about line replacemen­ts — remains to be seen.

“A number of members definitely have that question about why it would be in the fiscal code,” said Steve Miskin, a spokesman for the House Republican­s. “As to what ends up happening, it’s too early to definitive­ly tell you.”

“It’s a policy discussion,” Mr. Miskin said. “Should public money be used [on] private properties?”

He said Mr. Turzai introduced different legislatio­n that would bring the PWSA under the authority of the Pennsylvan­ia Public Utility Commission. That legislatio­n is awaiting a vote in the Senate.

Mr. Peduto and his administra­tion support the PUC idea, Mr. Acklin said, adding, “But PUC oversight itself won’t solve some of the issues that we need [to resolve].”

Mr. Acklin said he and the mayor met with Mr. Turzai earlier this summer and encouraged him to support the line replacemen­t efforts.

“By the end, I think the speaker understood where we were coming from,” Mr. Acklin said.

Elevated lead levels triggered a federal remediatio­n rule in 2016, requiring that PWSA replace at least 7 percent of its lead service lines each year. Service lines connect a building’s in-house plumbing to a main beneath the street.

Up to 17,750 residentia­l service lines in the PWSA system — or about 25 percent of those connection­s — include lead, according to the authority. Exposure to the metal is linked to developmen­tal problems and other ailments.

Yet the replacemen­t mandate applies only to the publicly owned portion of the service lines. That’s the segment closest to the water main. The privately owned portion — which belongs to the property owner — completes the connection into the building and often includes lead, too.

Under current state law, city officials have argued that PWSA doesn’t have legal authority to replace those privately owned portions when workers swap out the public pipe. That’s especially problemati­c because research links the so-called “partial line replacemen­ts” to an elevated risk of lead contaminat­ion.

PWSA halted partial replacemen­ts in June after higher-than-acceptable lead levels appeared at some homes with the work. The authority is negotiatin­g with the state Department of Environmen­tal Protection on a order to govern ongoing and future line replacemen­ts.

In the meantime, Pittsburgh City Council passed local legislatio­n that would let the city serve as a legal vehicle to help replace private lead lines, a process that could run several thousand dollars apiece. Mr. Acklin has said the city could turn over the duty to PWSA if the state legislatio­n wins final approval.

“The real rub is having the financial resources to do this at scale,” Mr. Acklin said.

He said the Peduto administra­tion has sought state financial support as a low-interest loan, hoping that lead removal “does not become a political football tossed around as part of budget negotiatio­ns.” It’s uncertain how much PWSA customers could pay directly toward the private line work.

It’s also unclear when the House will return to Harrisburg to work on the budget bills. Legislator­s this year passed a nearly $32 billion spending plan but not a way to pay for it. Negotiator­s have struggled with how to plug a $1.5 billion shortfall in the past fiscal year and a $700 million deficit in the fiscal year that began July 1.

The Senate passed several budget-related bills in late July, including the fiscal code that contains the language about water- and sewer-line replacemen­ts. Together, those bills would balance the budget in part by taxing natural gas drilling and raising or imposing new taxes on consumers’ telephone, electric and gas bills.

House Majority Leader Dave Reed, R-Indiana, said last week that his caucus has concerns about some of the taxes. While many people would like to wrap up the budget by the end of the month, “we want to make sure we get it right, not just do it for the sake of doing it,” he said.

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