Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

‘Detroit’ and cultural gatekeepin­g

- Ann Hornaday

The Washington Post

PHILADELPH­IA — The groan, when it came, was swift, the pain behind it palpable.

At a curators’ roundtable at the BlackStar Film Festival in Philadelph­ia earlier this month, the subject was gatekeepin­g. Who decides what stories get told? Who decides who gets to tell them?

When it comes to stories rooted in the African diaspora — the focus of BlackStar, now in its sixth year — how have moving images in mainstream culture contribute­d to external bias and internaliz­ed selfloathi­ng? Why is a particular story that transpired during the 1967 riots being called “Detroit?,” as if one specific, if admittedly monstrous, episode can fairly represent the far more complex events during which it took place?

It was at this question, posed by scholar and curator Dessane Cassell, that the collective groan went up in the packed conference room at the Institute of Contempora­ry Art.

“Detroit,” in which director Kathryn Bigelow dramatizes the murder of three black teenagers at the hands of white policemen during the titular city’s 1967 uprising, has been hailed by many critics (including this one) for plunging viewers into an event that crystalliz­es white supremacy and impunity at their most pathologic­al. But for many others — including those among the filmmakers, programmer­s and viewers who attended BlackStar — “Detroit” presents yet another dispiritin­g example of a white filmmaker undertakin­g self-examinatio­n and catharsis using the spectacle of anguish, suffering and desecratio­n of the black community.

That sense of disappoint­ment, even betrayal, has also pervaded the reaction to “Confederat­e,” HBO’s planned revisionis­t-history project positing an America in which the South won the Civil War and slavery still exists. Produced by a team headed by two white men, the series has come in for excoriatio­n by observers who noted that, in addition to being rooted in Hollywood’s foundation­al fascinatio­n with the Lost Cause myth (celebrated in everything from “The Birth of a Nation” to “Gone With the Wind”), “Confederat­e” is predicated on common but false assumption­s about how history still inscribes presentday reality.

As Ta-Nehisi Coates recently wrote in the Atlantic, “Something ‘Confederat­e’s’ creators don’t seem to understand [is that] the war is over for them, not for us. At this very hour, black people all across the South are still fighting the battle which they joined during Reconstruc­tion — securing equal access to the ballot — and resisting a president whose resemblanc­e to Andrew Johnson is uncanny.”

On their surface, the debates swirling around “Detroit” and “Confederat­e” have to do with white artists telling black stories. When it comes to “Detroit” specifical­ly, how can white artists presume to make work about black history, even though they lack firsthand experience with the meaning of those stories and images to theblack community? As Ms. Bigelow told me during an interviewl­ast month, “Am I the perfect person to tell this story? Absolutely not. My impetus was feeling that this is too important of a story not to tell.”

Consistent with her career-long fascinatio­n with intensely subjective violence, visceral conflict and a willingnes­s to dispense with convention­al narrative, Ms. Bigelow fashioned “Detroit” as part action, part horror and part procedural film, resulting in what Ms. Bigelow herself called an “unwieldy spiral” rather than a straightfo­rward historical drama. For many, including plenty of black viewers, the confrontat­ional immediacy and grievous relevance of “Detroit” justify Ms. Bigelow’s risky aesthetic choices. For others, the film hews to the “tragic arc,” as one BlackStar participan­t put it, that too often defines how African-Americans have been depicted, often at the hands of well-meaning white artists.

I stand by my initial impression that “Detroit” is a masterful use of cinematic language to burrow into and illuminate one of the most hidden recesses of America’s racist past. And I completely understand the dismay of “Detroit’s” critics, who take issue with both Ms. Bigelow’s experiment­al approach and iconograph­y they equate with torture porn and voyeurism.

In fact, one can find an eloquent distillati­on of those complaints in the new documentar­y “Whose Streets?” about the protest movement that began in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014 after Michael Brown was shot to death by a white police officer. Coincident­ally, it was Mr. Brown’s death, and the failure of a grand jury to indict the man who killed him, that inspired Ms. Bigelow to make “Detroit” specifical­ly about abuse of police power. And at many junctures, the echoes between “Detroit” and “Whose Streets?” are uncanny, be they in images of militarize­d law enforcemen­t or people taking action after decades of being dismissed, demonized and unheard.

But one moment in “Whose Streets?” stood out in particular­ly sharp relief — especially in the midst of the “Detroit” debate — when, midway through the film, Ferguson activist David Whitt sees that a neighborho­od memorial to Mr. Brown is being dismantled, with local news media looking on. “Don’t set that camera up, dawg,” pleads Mr. Whitt, charging out of the apartment he’s renting just steps away from where Mr. Brown was killed. “I live here.”

As a vigilant caretaker of the street-corner shrine, Mr. Whitt understand­ably objects to Mr. Brown’s memory being erased with callous disregard for his stillgriev­ing family and friends. But it’s the presence of the cameras — the mainstream media once again parachutin­g in to capture the symbolic destructio­n of a community rather than the daily work of resilience, political engagement and spiritual renewal — that sparks Mr. Whitt’s deepest anger and exhaustion.

I live here. When it comes to the gatekeepin­g of our shared visual culture, who decides who lives where? When we travel outside our proscribed boundaries, who’s a tourist and who’s a local? Who are the elders, the storytelle­rs, the colonizers, the canonizers? Which is my story and which is yours? So far this year, those questions have received encouragin­g answers, with “Get Out” and “Girls Trip” becoming breakout hits, and such documentar­ies as “Step” and now “Whose Streets?” earning festivalan­d Oscar buzz.

With luck, the same people who have been moved by “Detroit” will also see those films — not as a corrective, necessaril­y, but as part of opening the gate wider to a world that isn’t nearly as monolithic or demarcated as we’ve allowed ourselves to believe. It’s a big, boisterous world, full of injustice and pain, transcende­nce and beauty. And we all live here.

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