Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

In debate, Merkel firm on refugee decision


BERLIN –– German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday that her decisions on eurozone bailouts and keeping the country’s borders open for refugees were right, standing firm on her record in her only election debate with Social Democratic opponent Martin Schulz.

Trailing in the race to determine Germany’s next chancellor, Mr. Schulz went on the attack in the 90minute nationally televised debate. He criticized Ms. Merkel’s early response to the refugee crisis in 2015 because she did not enlist other European Union countries from the start in sharing the influx of migrants.

That prompted a testy response from Ms. Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term in the Sept. 24 election.

“Doesn’t really matter whether he knows better or not,” Ms. Merkel said of Mr. Schulz. “There are moments in the life of a leader or a chancellor where you just have to take decisions.”

For Mr. Schulz, the debate may have been the last chance to build momentum for the election in Germany, whose strong economy is limiting appetite for change and for the populism that fueled anti-establishm­ent candidates in elections from the U.S. to France.

Mr. Schulz said he agreed with the policy of granting asylum to those in need and argued that Germany had to meet its internatio­nal commitment­s.

In the opening exchanges, Ms. Merkel rejected the moderators’ suggestion that her backing for sovereign bailouts to preserve the eurozone and her refusal to close Germany’s borders at the height of the refugee crisis two years ago fueled the revival of the anti-immigratio­n Alternativ­e Germany party.

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