Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Trump-Russia collusion? Still looking, senators say

Interviews with key witnesses remain

- By Mary Clare Jalonick and Eric Tucker Associated Press

WASHINGTON— Leaders of the Senate intelligen­ce committee said Wednesday they have not determined roughly nine months into their investigat­ion whether Russia coordinate­d with the Trump campaign to try to sway the 2016 presidenti­al election.

“The issue of collusion is still open,” said the Republican committee chairman, North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, who along with the panel’s top Democrat, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, provided the first major update on a congressio­nal investigat­ion that was launched the same month as President Donald Trump was inaugurate­d.

“The committee continues to look at all evidence to see if there was any hint of collusion,” Mr. Burr said, adding that “I am not going to even discuss initial findings, because we haven’t any.”

Mr. Burr and Mr. Warner said that the committee has interviewe­d more than 100 witnesses, including former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump sonin-law Jared Kushner. More than 100,000 pages of documents have been reviewed.

But the committee has yet to interview some witnesses related to the Trump campaign and a June 2016 meeting that Mr. Kushner, Mr. Manafort and the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., held with Russians. The committee wants to interview Mr. Trump Jr. and everyone else involved with the meeting.

The lawmakers said that though they have reached no conclusion about whether the campaign colluded with the Kremlin — the question also at the heart of a separate criminal investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller — their investigat­ion has left no doubt about a multi-pronged Russian effort to meddle in American politics.

“The Russian intelligen­ce service is determined, clever and I recommend every campaign and every election official take this very seriously,” Mr. Burr said.

The news conference Wednesday was an effort by the committee to lay out some of what’s been found so far as the 2018 midterm elections approach. Mr. Burr said that the committee ideally would finish the investigat­ion before congressio­nal primaries begin next spring, but said he couldn’t put a firm deadline on the probe because they are always finding new lines of inquiry.

Mr. Warner said there is a “large consensus” that Russians had hacked into political files and strategica­lly released them with the goal of influencin­g the election. He said Russian hackers also had tested the vulnerabil­ities of election systems in 21 states, though there’s no evidence that any voting tallies were altered.

The Senate panel also has been focused on Russian efforts to push out social media messages on Twitter and Facebook, and is examining more than 3,000 Russia-linked ads that Facebook turned over to Congress this week. Mr. Burr said he does not intend to release those ads.

Facebook has said the ads focused on divisive social and political messages, including LGBT issues, immigratio­n and gun rights, and were seen by an estimated 10 million people before and after the 2016 election.

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