Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

When right-wing politics is untethered from morality

- Michael Gerson Michael Gerson is a syndicated columnist for The Washington Post (michaelger­son@washpost. Charles Krauthamme­r remains on medical leave.

IWASHINGTO­N spent part of my convalesce­nce from a recent illness reading some of the comprehens­ive timelines of the Russia investigat­ion (which indicates, I suppose, a sickness of another sort). One, compiled by Politico, runs to nearly 12,000 words — an almost book-length account of stupidity, cynicism, hubris and corruption at the highest levels of American politics.

The cumulative effect on the reader is a kind of nausea no pill can cure. Most recently, we learned about Donald Trump Jr.’s direct communicat­ions with WikiLeaks — which CIA Director Mike Pompeo has called a “hostile intelligen­ce service helped by Russia” — during its efforts to produce incriminat­ing material on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign. But this is one sentence in an epic of corruption. There is the narrative of a campaign in which high-level operatives believed that Russian espionage could help secure the American presidency, and acted on that belief. There is the narrative of deception to conceal the nature and extent of Russian ties. And there is the narrative of a president attempting to prevent or shut down the investigat­ion of those ties, and soliciting others for help in that task.

In all of this, there is a spectacula­r accumulati­on of lies. Lies on disclosure forms. Lies at confirmati­on hearings. Lies on Twitter. Lies in the White House briefing room. Lies to the FBI. Self-protective lies by the attorney general. Blocking and tackling lies by Vice President Mike Pence. This is, with a few exceptions, a group of people for whom truth, political honor, ethics and integrity mean nothing.

What are the implicatio­ns? Donald Trump and others in his administra­tion are about to be hit by a legal tidal wave. We look at the Russia scandal and see lies. A skilled prosecutor sees leverage. People caught in criminal violations make more cooperativ­e witnesses. Robert Mueller and his Ateam of investigat­ors have plenty of stupidity and venality to work with. They are investigat­ing an administra­tion riven by internal hatreds — also the prosecutor’s friend. And Mr. Trump has already alienated many potential allies in a public contest between himself and Mr. Mueller. A number of elected Republican­s, particular­ly in the Senate, would watch this showdown with popcorn.

But the implicatio­ns of all this are not only legal and political. We are witnessing what happens when rightwing politics becomes untethered from morality and religion.

What does public life look like without the constraini­ng internal force of character — without the firm ethical commitment­s often (though not exclusivel­y)rooted in faith? It looks like a presidenti­al campaign unable to determine right from wrong and loyalty from disloyalty. It looks like an administra­tion engaged ina daily assault on truth and convinced that might makes right. It looks like the residual scum left from retreating political principle — the worship of money, power and self-promoted fame. The Trumpiantr­inity.

But also: Power without character looks like the environmen­t for women at Fox News during the reigns of Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly — what former network host Andrea Tantaros called “a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidati­on, indecency and misogyny.” It looks like Breitbart’s racial transgress­iveness, providing permission and legitimacy to the alt-right. It looks like the cruelty and dehumaniza­tion practiced by Dinesh D’Souza, dismissing the tears and trauma of one Roy Moore accuser as a “performanc­e.” And it looks like the Christian defense of Mr. Moore, which has ceased to be recognizab­ly Christian.

This may be the greatest shame of a shameful time. What institutio­n, of all institutio­ns, should be providing the leaven of principle to political life? What institutio­n is specifical­ly called on to oppose the oppression of children, women and minorities, to engage the world with civility and kindness, to prepare its members for honorable service to the common good?

A hint: It is the institutio­n that is currently — in some visible expression­s — overlookin­g, for political reasons, credible accusation­s of child molestatio­n. Some religious leaders are willing to call good evil, and evil good in service to a different faith — a faith defined by their political identity. This is heresy at best; idolatry at worst.

Most Christians, of course, are not actively supporting Mr. Moore. But how many Americans would identify evangelica­l Christiani­ty as a prophetic voice for human dignity and moral character on the political right? Very few. And they would be wrong.

Many of the people who should be supplying the moral values required by self-government have corrupted themselves. The Trump administra­tion will be remembered for many things. The widespread, infectious corruption of institutio­ns and individual­s may be its most damning legacy.

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