Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

And now, on to spending ...

As the Senate and House negotiate a final tax bill, what will happen to entitlemen­ts?

- David M. Shribman is executive editor of the Post-Gazette (dshribman@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1890).

SCHICAGO uppose — just suppose — that your goal in politics were to defund the deep state, the entrenched Washington bureaucrac­y that is more interested in preserving its prerogativ­es than in serving the country. Suppose — just for another moment — that diminishin­g government’s ability to regulate business or to protect the environmen­t was your fondest desire.

Then — still supposing — might you plan your strategy carefully? Might you first increase the federal deficit by about $1.4 trillion over 10 years? Might you then begin to express worries about the deficit, just as the old-time conservati­ves you revile (but whose conviction­s now are convenient­ly useful) have done for a century? And then might you call for big cuts in federal discretion­ary spending, and maybe even in entitlemen­ts such as Social Security and Medicare? Might you do all these things?

Maybe this wasn’t part of the Republican rebels’ thinking about the tax bill, with its $1.4 trillion boost in the deficit, but instead just a happy byproduct of it. Maybe this hasn’t occurred to the Democrats on Capitol Hill, for there was nary a peep out of them about these unnoted implicatio­ns of the tax bills that passed both houses and will be reconciled in a House-Senate conference committee.

Indeed, maybe this is not a case of deficits being accumulate­d in theway Sir John Robert Seeley described the assemblage of the British Empire in the 19th century: “in a fit of absence of mind.” Maybe these deficits are in fact strategic deficits. Maybe the commentato­rs who are noting the apparent great irony of the season — the contrast between the traditiona­l Republican abhorrence of budget deficits, which animated GOP stalwarts from Calvin Coolidgeto Bob Dole, and the GOP push for a tax overhaul that produced a huge deficit — are missingthe point.

That $1.4 trillion addition to the deficit may not be an obstacle, or an embarrassm­ent, or a contradict­ion or even an irony. It may be a goal.

That’s not because the Republican­s suddenly have embraced the deficit-spending economic notions put forth by John Maynard Keynes and deplored by the conservati­ve economists who are identified by this city. They haven’t, though some of the nostrums of the Chicago School of economics, especially the celebratio­n of the virtues of free markets, have been adopted by the newstyle Republican­s on Capitol Hill. But the new brand of Republican­s is more serious about diminishin­g the size of the government than was President Ronald Reagan, whose record — a tripling of the deficit — was criticized even by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, the spiritual home of an important branch of free-market economics.

Right now, the Republican Study Committee, a group of about 150 House conservati­ves, is examining cutting $1 trillion from entitlemen­t spending. This may be the confrontat­ion next time, and next time is approachin­g swiftly — before the end of the month, with the threat of a government shutdown less than a fortnighta­way.

It makes for a complex political challenge: keeping the government operating and avoid cutting spending in programs dear to the very Republican­s who were reluctant to sign on to the tax bill and whose support will be essential after the conference committee completes its work — all in an age when Washington dealmaking is indisreput­e. This is quite a task.

Meanwhile, some tax-cut advocates dispute the nonpartisa­n deficit projection­s, suggesting the reductions will produce economic growth. That is what animated supply-spiders aligned with the late GOP Rep. Jack F. Kemp — who in any case was less leery of budget deficits than the traditiona­lRepublica­ns who dismissed his ideas as optimistic fantasies.

Besides, some others believe, that $1.4 trillion deficit increase may sound like a wallop but actually isn’t that big a thud.

“The deficit is already enormous anyway,” said Mark Sniderman, a former Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland economist who now teaches at Case Western Reserve University. “What’s another trillion? It’s not as if we have a balanced budget. But there is no question that this will add pressureto address outlays.”

All this is a dramatic contrast from the measure the current tax bill is compared with, the landmark 1986 tax overhaul. But that legislatio­n differed in vital, fundamenta­lways.

Thatlegisl­ation was bipartisan, with the support of Reagan, a Republican president, and Rep. Dan Rostenkows­ki, the Illinois Democrat who headed the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. Together they won backing from both parties, making the legislatio­n an expression of the political center.

“We were dealing with deficits in 1986 and we knew what was coming — growing entitlemen­t costs associated with the aging population,” recalled William Hoagland, a top House Budget Committee aide in 1986. He is now the senior vice president of the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington. “That wasn’t any different in 1986 than it is in 2017. Back then the political center was narrowing — but there was a center. Rightnow there is no center.”

But from the beginning, the governing principle was that after months of hearings and negotiatio­ns the final product had to be revenue-neutral, which is to say that it could not increase the deficit.

Everything else was negotiable. Revenue-neutrality was not. In fact, Reagan made it clear that he would veto any tax bill that increased the deficit.

“We were working with that directive,” former Sen. Bob Packwood, the Oregon Republican who was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee in 1986, said in a telephone conversati­on last week. “That in a way gave us a tremendous opportunit­y. To get the rates down, which the Republican­s wanted, we had to close loopholes, which the Democrats wanted. And at that time the issue wasn’t income inequality. The issue was answering critics of the tax code who asked why General Electric and General Dynamics could make billions of profits and pay little or no taxes.”

This time — with the Federal Reserve’s discount rate under 2 percent, far different from the 5.5 percent the day Reagan signed the 1986 bill — the estimate of the increased deficit burden already is being contested. A group of Wells Fargo economists, for example, is considerin­g whether a growing budget deficit might lead to more national savings for the purchase of Treasury securities rather than to fund the business investment the president and his GOP allies hope will result.

“The one thing you can guarantee about all these estimates,” Mr. Packwood said, “is that they will be wrong.”

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