Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

We tried to turn conservati­ves into liberals

And the results of our experiment­s say a lot about America’s political divisions, reports Yale professor JOHN BARGH

- John Bargh is a professor of social psychology at Yale University and the author of “Before You Know It: The Unconsciou­s Reasons We Do What We Do.” He wrote this for The Washington Post.

When my daughter was growing up, she often wanted to rush off to do fun things with her friends — get into the water at the beach, ride off on her bike — without taking the proper safety precaution­s. I’d have to stop her in her tracks to put on sunscreen, or her bike helmet and knee pads, as she stood there impatientl­y. “Safety first, fun second,” was my mantra.

Keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe from harm is perhaps our strongest human motivation, deeply embedded in our DNA. It is so deep and important that it influences much of what we think and do, maybe more than we might expect. For example, over a decade of research in political psychology consistent­ly shows that how physically threatened or fearful a person feels is a key factor — although clearly not the only one — in whether he or she holds conservati­ve or liberal attitudes.

Conservati­ves, it turns out, react more strongly to physical threat than liberals do. In fact, their greater concern with physical safety seems to be determined early in life: In one University of California study, the more fear a 4year-old showed in a laboratory situation, the more conservati­ve his or her political attitudes were found to be 20 years later.

Brain-imaging studies have even shown that the fear center of the brain, the amygdala, is actually larger in conservati­ves than in liberals. And many other laboratory studies have found that when adult liberals experience­d physical threat, their political and social attitudes temporaril­y became more conservati­ve. But no one had ever turned conservati­ves into liberals.

In a new study to appear in a forthcomin­g issue of the European Journal of Social Psychology, my colleagues Jaime Napier, Julie Huang and Andy Vonasch and I asked 300 U.S. residents in an online survey their opinions on several contempora­ry issues, such as gay rights, abortion, feminism and immigratio­n, as well as social change in general. The group was two-thirds female, about threequart­ers white, and with an average age of 35. Thirty percent of the participan­ts self-identified as Republican, and the rest as Democrat.

Before they answered the survey questions, we had them engage in an intense imaginatio­n exercise. They were asked to close their eyes and richly imagine being visited by a genie who granted them a superpower. For half of our participan­ts, this superpower was to be able to fly like Wonder Woman. For the other half, it was to be completely physically safe, invulnerab­le to harm.

If they had just imagined being able to fly, their responses to the social attitude survey showed the usual clear difference between Republican­s and Democrats — the former endorsed more conservati­ve positions on social issues and were also more resistant to social change in general.

But if they had instead imagined being completely physically safe, the Republican­s became significan­tly more liberal — their positions on social attitudes were much more like the Democratic respondent­s. And on the issue of social change in general, the Republican­s’ attitudes were now indistingu­ishable from the Democrats. Imagining being completely safe from physical harm had done what no experiment had done before — it had turned conservati­ves into liberals.

In both instances, we had manipulate­d a deeper underlying reason for political attitudes, the strength of the basic motivation of

safety and survival. The boiling water of our social and political attitudes, it seems, can be turned up or down by changing how physically safe we feel.

This is why it makes sense that liberal politician­s intuitivel­y portray danger as manageable — recall FDR’s famous Great Depression­era reassuranc­e that there was “nothing to fear but fear itself,” echoed decades later in Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address — and why President Donald Trumpand other Republican politician­s are instead likely to emphasize the dangers of terrorism and immigratio­n, relying on fear as a motivatort­o gain votes.

In fact, anti-immigratio­n attitudes also are linked directly to the underlying basic drive for physical safety. For centuries, arch-conservati­ve leaders have often referred to scapegoate­d minority groups as “germs” or “bacteria” that seek to invade and destroy their country from within. Mr. Trump is an acknowledg­ed germaphobe, and he has a penchant for describing people — not only immigrants but political opponents and former Miss Universe contestant­s — as “disgusting.”

“Immigrants are like viruses” is a powerful metaphor, because in comparing immigrants entering a country to germs entering a human body, it speaks directly to our powerful innate motivation to avoid contaminat­ion and disease. Until very recently in human history, not only did we not have antibiotic­s, we did not even know how infections occurred or diseases were transmitte­d. Cuts and open wounds were quite dangerous. (In the American Civil War, for example, 60 of every 1,000 soldiers died not by bullets or bayonets, but by infections.)

Therefore, we reasoned, making people feel safer about a dangerous flu virus should serve to calm their fears about immigrants — and making them feel more threatened by the flu virus should cause them to be more against immigratio­n than they were before. In a 2011 study, my colleagues and I showed just that.

First, we reminded our nationwide sample of liberals and conservati­ves about the threat of the flu virus (during the H1N1 epidemic), and then measured their attitudes toward immigratio­n. Afterward, we simply asked them if they’d already gotten their flu shot or not. It turned out that those who had not gotten a flu shot (feeling threatened) expressed more negative attitudes toward immigratio­n, while those who had received the vaccinatio­n (feeling safe) had morepositi­ve attitudes about immigratio­n.

In another study, using hand sanitizer after being warned about the flu virus had the same effect on immigratio­n attitudes as had being vaccinated. A simple squirt of Purell after we had raised the threat of the flu had changed their minds. It made them feel safer from the dangerous virus, and this made them feel socially safer from immigrants as well.

Our study findings may have a silver lining. Here’s how:

All of us believe that our social and political attitudes are based on good reasons and reflect our important values. But we also need to recognize how much they can be influenced subconscio­usly by our most basic, powerful motivation­s for safety and survival. Politician­s on both sides of the aisle know this already, or sense it intuitivel­y, and attempt to manipulate our votes and party allegiance­s by appealing to these potent feelings.

Instead of allowing our strings to be pulled so easily by others, we can become more conscious of what drives us and work harder to base our opinions on factual knowledge about the issues, including informatio­n from outside our media echo chambers. Yes, our views can harden given the right environmen­t, but our work shows that they are actually easier to change than we might think.

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