Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

We need Pa. leaders who achieve solutions


Regarding “Democratic Socialists Challenge Old-School Pittsburgh Political Family” (Dec. 10): State Rep. Paul Costa’s response of “I don’t know what they have against me or Dom” is a telling reason why we need more people to run for office and why Paul Costa should be voted out. We’ve reached a point in our political arena when politician­s are personally offended and baffled when people participat­e in the democratic process of running for elected office. In a second futile attempt to defend his accomplish­ments while in office, Mr. Costa cites putting his office in the middle of Braddock — my, oh my, what a bold move placing his taxpayer-funded office in the district in which he serves.

He claims he’s not the problem to advancing the people’s agenda, but I also don’t see him as being the solution. It’s been more than 10 years since state leaders have voted to raise the state minimum wage. It’s been more than 20 years since the minimum wage for servers has been raised. Our state’s pension system is deeply in debt. At times, our state’s problems seem endless.Change is needed.

Mr. Costa, one must do more than pick good real estate locations to earn my vote. I encourage my fellow Pittsburgh­ers to expect more in 2018 and vote for candidates like Summer Lee and Sara Innamorato who have the energy and willpower to finally bring positive change to Harrisburg. JORDAN ROMANUS

Regent Square 2017 gross domestic product to 91 percent in fiscal 2027 and 113 percent in fiscal 2037. Robert E. Rubin, formerly co-chairman of Goldman Sachs and the U.S. treasury secretary in the late 1990s (when the government had fiscal surpluses), has weighed in onthe subject. In a column in the Post-Gazette (Nov. 17, “These Tax Cuts Are Dangerous”), Mr. Rubin said, “The deficit-funded tax cuts ... would produce a fiscal tragedy for which our country would pay a huge price over time.”

When it comes time to pay the piper, who will be expected to pay up? The middle class. Except for the top 1 percent, we Americans have been lied to and duped. I for one will not forget in 2018 and 2020. KARL KLINE


Does Sen. Pat Toomey really believe his own statements that the giant tax giveaway will help his constituen­ts?

Has he ever looked at what happened in Kansas after Gov. Sam Brownback slashed taxes? Kansas went broke, and its Republican legislatur­e had to raise taxes to provide needed tax revenue.

Simplystat­ed — trickle down doesn’t work, and Mr. Toomey’s “yes” vote will stick the country with an additional $1 trillion in debt ( the purported stimulus works) or (if it doesn’t).

Mr. Toomey should be working for us, instead of the GOP/ DonaldTrum­p — and vote “no.” CHUCK ALPERN


We welcome your opinion

Senate race in Alabama (Dec. 14, “This Republican Applauds Alabama’s Vote”). Oakmont Councilman-Elect Lokay may sit on the other side of the aisle from me politicall­y, but it’s clear that he “gets it.”

As an elected official, I understand that I have to represent

of my constituen­ts when in meetings or making important decisions such as how I vote on measures brought before our governing body.

I hope state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe reads Mr. Lokay’s letter and can somehow learn from it.

Congratula­tions to the residents and business owners in Oakmont. You have a new voice coming on board in January. He should do well. DREW LEHMAN


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