Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

‘Potentiall­y hazardous asteroid’ surprising­ly large, but no threat, telescopic view reveals

- By Ben Guarino

The Washington Post

When the asteroid named 3200 Phaethon passed by our planet this month, people were watching. The asteroid is not a huge space rock, but it zips close enough to Earth that NASA classifies Phaethon as a “potentiall­y hazardous asteroid.”

This does not mean that Phaethon posed any immediate danger. Potential space hazards are matters of cosmic perspectiv­e: On Dec. 16, the nearest Phaethon has been since the 1970s, it was 6 million miles from us. The moon, for comparison, is 240,000 miles away.

In Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Observator­y watched Phaethon’s passage.

Radar revealed that the asteroid was 0.6 miles wider than thought, at 3.6 miles in diameter. If an asteroid of Phaethon’s size hit Earth, the impact would be so devastatin­g it would destroy the ozone layer “several times over,” planetary scientist Dan Durda told NBC News recently, plunging the planet into a period of global chill.

Phaethon remains too far away to be a threat, but its influence may, on occasion, take a dramatic turn. The asteroid spews out dust in a trail behind it. When the granules of space rock collide with Earth, fireballs appear in the atmosphere. These are the Geminids, a meteor shower that peaked earlier this month.

Arecibo, the world’s second-largest radio telescope has not had an easy year. Hurricane Maria roughed up the observator­y, destroying a 40-foot dish and damaging other instrument­s. All told, the hurricane cost between $4 million and $8 million in damage, James Ulvestad, National Science Foundation acting assistant director, told The Washington Post.

But the telescope escaped total devastatio­n. All staff evacuated safely, an NSF representa­tive told The Post in September, and the massive main dish remained intact. The Universiti­es Space Research Associatio­n, which helps operate the observator­y, distribute­d generators to some Arecibo employees. By December, the observator­y had resumed normal operations.

The hurricane was not the only threat to Arecibo’s future. The observator­y’s funding has been shrinking, and under some proposals, it would have been demolished or turned into an educationa­l facility. The NSF, which owns the observator­y, announced in midNovembe­r that it was committed to keeping Arecibo operationa­l.

The observator­y, once back online, captured the best-resolution images of Phaethon ever taken, which NASA released late this month. The asteroid has a curious dark splotch near one of its poles. “The dark feature could be a crater or some other topographi­c depression that did not reflect the radar beam back to Earth,” Patrick Taylor, a scientist at Arecibo Observator­y and the Universiti­es Space Research Associatio­n, said in a news release. The new, detailed inspection of Phaethon showed that it is shaped like a ball, though it has a depression along its middle.

This is not the last we will see of Phaethon. It will return, dashing by Earth again in 2093.

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