Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

President without precedent

Donald Trump has disrupted the political system and dominated the news cycle


Has there ever been a presidenti­al year quite like this one? An Inaugural Address that was at once a statement of triumph and a manifesto of change. A Supreme Court nomination fight that altered the Senate’s customs and transforme­d its rules. Repeated efforts to overturn Obamacare. Heightened tensions with North Korea — and with the mainstream media. A final push for a tax overhaul. Ferocious opposition, and ferocious devotion.

And that’s not mentioning the tweets. About the president’s putative allies (Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky). About his opponents (Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York). About Kin Jong Un (”Little Rocket Man”). Nor the new terms: “Alternativ­e facts.” “Fake news.”

Other presidents have had difficult starts. Abraham Lincoln watched 11 states depart the Union. Franklin Roosevelt confronted a Great Depression. Lyndon Johnson inherited a grieving nation. But none of them had the kind of instant and comprehens­ive access to the American people at a time of crisis that Donald J. Trump now employs at a time of relative ease.

“It has no precedent, and no one could have expected it,” said G. Calvin Mackenzie, an emeritus political scientist at Colby College. “No public figure ... has ever dominated the news cycle this way.”

The result is a nation divided and confounded — but mostly exhausted.

“The rise of social media, and the president’s enthusiast­ic participat­ion in it, has shifted how quickly news stories arrive,” said Andrew Rudalevige, a Bowdoin College political scientist. “The old message was that the president had to say the same thing 25 times to make an impact. But, aside from phrases like ‘fake news,’ President Trump never stays on the same subject.”

Bruce Bartlett, a domestic-policy advisor to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, believes the president creates what he calls “unforced tumult,” not tumult prompted by looming calamities or even challenges. “It’s all kind of internal,” he said. “It’s because Trump and his party are trying to do a great many things that are verydisrup­tive.”

That gets to the heart of the president’s profile — and the country’s.

Mr. Trump may be many things — democrat or autocrat, visionary or demagogue, man of the people or plutocrat, authentic populist or poseur — but here is one descriptio­n that ally and critic alike will find indisputab­le: disrupter.

He has changed how presidents behave. He has changed how presidents talk. He has changed how presidents communicat­e. He has changed how presidents deal with Congress. He has changed how presidents approach the press. He has changed how presidents regard internatio­nal trade. He has changed how prsidents deal with foreign countries. He has changed how presidents interact with scientists. He has changed how presidents treat the agencies and department­s of their own government.

As Disrupter in Chief, Mr. Trump is arguably more in tune with the national zeitgeist than was former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton who, though she would have been the first female president, would have comported herself more like previous modern presidents, from FDR to Dwight Eisenhower to Barack Obama, than has Mr. Trump, for whom there seems no antecedent, although John Tyler, Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson might be the closest approximat­ions.

If, in a complex society that is being transforme­d simultaneo­usly in multiple directions and dimensions, there is one word that describes this dizzying change — in the way news is covered and delivered, in the way music is produced and distribute­d, in the way education is conceived and transmitte­d — it is disruption.

That is Mr. Trump’s cause, and it is his effect.

In that — if in few other areas, with the exception of this month’s tax bill and the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court — he has been supremely successful.

Buthe has not been the lone disrupter. The Republican Party — for generation­s the repository of quiet nostrums and generally quiet political figures, a political party that, in contrast to the more unruly Democrats’ embrace of social unrest, prided itself in cultivatin­g social rest — has itself been bothdisrup­ter and disrupted.

The GOP no longer speaks in one voice, proseltyzi­ng its message of thrift (traduced in a tax bill that provides for $1.5 trillion in deficits in a 10-year period) and restraint (a quality unknown in the Freedom Caucus or the White House). It is in upheaval with few precedents — perhaps the Republican­s after the Civil War, perhaps the Democrats during the civil-rights and Vietnam War periods, two epochs where the word “radical” was tossed around with both abandon and accuracy.

“There’s been a complete erosion of what the Republican Party used to be,” said former GOP Rep. Mickey Edwards of Oklahoma, a founding trustee of the devoutly conservati­ve Heritage Foundation. “The party has turned its backon our basic principles.”

At the same time, the broader political world has changed. With no liberal Republican­s (who helped pass the civil-rights legislatio­n of the 1960s) and no conservati­ve Democrats (who applied a brake to Democratic social programs, sometimes from nefarious and racist instincts) there is no middle ground between the parties, no impulse for bipartisan­ship and large political rewards for stridency.

“The rhetoric has heated up year after year; there’s a constant inability to keep the government from shutting down, and Congress isn’t passing legislatio­n that used to be easy,” said Thomas J. Whalen, a Boston University political scientist. “There seems to be a breakdown of democratic institutio­ns, and this is the logical conclusion of that. It’s as if we have been watching this happen inslow motion.”

The president, meanwhile, is the personific­ation of these changes.

Mr. Trump is not the first president who has sowed a combinatio­n of devotion and alienation. Take a stroll through the Warhol Museum on Pittsburgh’s North Shore and you will see a painting of Richard M. Nixon by the popart master. Beneath the image of Nixon stretch two words: “Vote McGovern.” The painting was created in 1972, when Sen. George McGovern of South Dakota was defeated in a Nixon landslide.

The Gallup Organizati­on has been measuring Americans’ views of Mr. Trump for eight months. Its surveys have found that three-quarters of Americans view the president as “intense.” Little disagreeme­nt there. But only a third consider him “visionary.” That reflects the Great Divide. Those who love him are loyal. Those who don’t harbor doubts or declare themselves “resisters.” The struggle between the two groups almost certainly will be the story of 2018.

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