Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

‘Baby talk’ not appropriat­e for office


DEAR NATALIE: I just hired this new woman to help in our office. She is like an assistant to me but also does other things around the space. I have noticed that she is very flirtatiou­s with the senior partners — most are men — and likes to use this Kardashian-like baby voice when asking a question. She also giggles — a lot. Even when it doesn’t make any sense. A few of my female colleagues have talked to me about her. When I interviewe­d her, she didn’t act like this or I never would have hired her. It’s only been about a month, but she is really rubbing people the wrong way. How do I discuss this with her? As a woman who has worked hard to get where I am, I feel like she is really setting us back. — BAN THE BABY VOICE

DEAR BAN THE BABY VOICE: You need to set the tone now before this gets out of hand. Pull her aside first thing tomorrow and ask whether she even is aware that she is behaving this way. Let her know that there are other ways to be effective at her job besides trying to flirt or giggle with the men in the office. Explain to her that other people have complained because it creates an uncomforta­ble and unprofessi­onal workplace. Don’t be hostile, but definitely make it clear that she didn’t act like this when she was hired, and that the way she was in her interview is the way you anticipate­d her acting at the job. Make it clear that you are trying to be helpful and that this behavior of hers is only going to hold her back. If she is defensive, bring up specific examples of her behavior so that she understand­s exactly what you are talking about. And if she still doesn’t get it? Minimize her role with others until you can figure out what your next step looks like, including the option of letting her go. (Insert Kim Kardashian’s emoji cry face here).

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