Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

We need people


Michael Anton’s June 25 column, “For Immigratio­n Restrictio­n,” needs some rebuttal.

Imagine what America would be like if this article had been written and followed in 1818, 1868, 1918 or 1968. If 1818, there would be only Native Americans and the people of the original 13 states in a thirdworld situation. If 1868 or 1918, there would be more people but much of our progress and the industrial­ization that created our middle class would have been very limited. In 1968 it would be much as today, but we would have missed out on the progress immigrants have provided us for 50 years.

This says to me that my answer is we do need more people.

The people of the United States need to get on the internet site “World Population Clock.” Our projected population on July 1, 2018 will be 326,766,748 (4.4 percent of 7,632,819,325 total). World population growth is 1.09 percent or 82 million+. The U.S. growth is 0.71 percent or 2.3 million (less than 3 percent of the world growth).

Those concerned about immigratio­n are being misled by the hate leadership in power. Only a miniscule number want to come here, from a world where millions are oppressed or abused. Only the most needy are taking the risks.

I don’t know whether anyone notices, but the Statue of Liberty still has the sign “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Unfortunat­ely the Trumpian GOP has covered it with a shroud of hatred.

I say “God bless all of America” (including north, south and central). LAWRENCE R. CAMBERG


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