Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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In response to “We Are in Trouble,” the July 8 column by PG editorial director Keith C. Burris: Yes, Mr. Burris, indeed we are in trouble because people like you refuse to embrace serious solutions to our problems. You ask what can be done about the all-too-frequent shootings in our schools, streets, offices, cinemas, malls, concerts, sporting venues, restaurant­s, churches and homes? The serious solution is simple but politicall­y unpalatabl­e to our bought-and-paid-for Congress.

Basic facts: more guns = more gun deaths. Less guns = less gun deaths.

This has been proved to be true by the vast majority of the internatio­nal community that have the common sense and guts to legislate accordingl­y. If you want to play with guns, join the military. Or learn to enjoy shooting hoops, pool, craps or the breeze instead of guns.

The alternativ­e is to accept the daily carnage as the price to pay for our delirious worship of a misreprese­nted Second Amendment.

Yes, Mr. Burris, we do have a sick American soul that continues to allow a disgusting person to disgrace the office of the president, erode our internatio­nal credibilit­y, undermine our democratic institutio­ns and the rule of law and separate children from their parents so he can pretend to be a tough guy, when in reality he is a cowardly person who avoided the draft and is afraid of his own shadow.

Please, Mr. Burris, spare us your preaching about the necessity of a religious revival to save us. I know atheists who have more compassion, morality and common decency than the hypocritic­al religious evangelica­ls who support a pathologic­al sinner who brags about assaulting women, has adulterous affairs with porn stars, praises ruthless dictators, lies every time he opens his big mouth and uses religion to scam his pathetical­ly gullible base.

If you want to begin healing our American soul, start at the top.


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