Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Tributes pour in after McCain puts end to cancer treatments


WASHINGTON — Arizona Sen. John McCain has discontinu­ed medical treatment for an aggressive form of brain cancer, his family said Friday, likely indicating the war hero, presidenti­al nominee and longtime leading lawmaker is nearing the end of his life.

Mr. McCain has surpassed expectatio­ns for survival, but “the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict,” the family said. “With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinu­e medical treatment.”

The six-term GOP senator, who would turn 82 next week, has been

away from the Capitol since December. If Mr. McCain should resign his seat or die soon, Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey would name a replacemen­t to serve until the 2020 election. The winner of that election would serve the remainder of Mr. McCain’s term through 2022.

In more than three decades in Congress, Mr. McCain became known as a political maverick willing to stick to his conviction­s rather than go along with party leaders — an independen­t streak that has drawn a mix of respect and ire.

Most recently, he has been a thorn in the side of President Donald Trump, keeping up his criticism of the White House even while undergoing medical treatment in Arizona.

In July, he issued a searing rebuke of Mr. Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling it a “tragic mistake” and “one of the most disgracefu­l performanc­es by an American president in memory.”

The strained relationsh­ip between Mr. Trump and Mr. McCain dates to 2015, when Mr. Trump suggested the Vietnam veteran, who spent more than five years in a North Vietnamese prison after his Navy plane was shot down, was not a war hero.

“He’s a war hero because he was captured,” Mr. Trump said at the time. “I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

During the Vietnam War, Mr. McCain suffered several broken bones and spent more than five years as a prisoner in North Vietnam, including two years in solitary confinemen­t, after his Skyhawk was shot down during a bombing mission over Hanoi in 1967. The son of the U.S. Navy commander in the Pacific, Mr. McCain refused North Vietnamese offers for an early release because Americans captured before him remained prisoners of war.

The ill will between him and Mr. Trump grew after Mr. McCain voted in 2017 against a Republican replacemen­t for Obamacare. He doomed the bill with a dramatic thumbs-down on the Senate floor. Complaints about Mr. McCain’s vote have become a staple of Mr. Trump’s campaign speeches. He doesn’t mention Mr. McCain by name but makes clear his intent by mockingly imitating the thumbs-down gesture.

The feud between the two men has persisted even amid the decline in Mr. McCain’s health. While political leaders of both parties paid tribute to Mr. McCain and offered prayers Friday, Mr. Trump and the White House remained silent.

Earlier this month, Mr. Trump signed a military policy bill named for Mr. McCain, but he made no mention of Mr. McCain at a signing ceremony.

The son and grandson of Navy admirals, Mr. McCain is a former Navy pilot. He was elected to Congress in 1982 and to the Senate four years later, replacing the retired Barry Goldwater.

Mr. McCain became a major figure in American politics shortly after he was first elected as he made a career of refusing to engage in business as usual, working with then-Sen. Russ Feingold, DWis., to overhaul federal campaign finance laws and ban the use of so-called soft money, despite the objections of his party leaders.

He also led a war on earmarks, the practice of lawmakers slipping into bills high-dollar projects benefiting their congressio­nal districts. And he broke with many in his party by proposing legislatio­n with thenSen. Edward Kennedy, DMass., to create a pathway to citizenshi­p for people who are in the country illegally.

Despite his famous stubborn streak and occasional orneriness, Mr. McCain is widely admired on both sides of the aisle, and tributes poured in Friday after the family announced the treatment decision.

“We are so fortunate to call him our friend and colleague,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Twitter. Mr. McCain, his wife, Cindy, “and the entire McCain family are in our prayers at this incredibly difficult hour,” Mr. McConnell said.

Arizona Gov. Ducey called Mr. McCain “an American hero” who always put his country before himself.

A “spirit of service and civility” guided Mr. McCain’s life, standing as a model for Americans regardless of political affiliatio­n, Mr. Ducey said.

Mrs. McCain tweeted that she loves her husband “with all of my heart” and thanked those who have cared for him.

Mr. McCain underwent surgery in July 2017 to remove a blood clot in his brain after being diagnosed with an aggressive tumor called a glioblasto­ma. It’s the same type of tumor that killed Mr. Kennedy at age 77 in 2009.

Mr. McCain rebounded quickly, however, returning to Washington and entering the Senate in late July to a standing ovation from his colleagues. In a dramatic turn, he later cast the deciding vote against the Republican health care bill, earning Mr. Trump’s enduring wrath.

Mr. McCain’s condition worsened last fall, and he has been in Arizona since December. A source close to Mr. McCain who asked not to be identified said Friday the senator was at his Arizona ranch with his family.

He is a long-term survivor of melanoma, a deadly skin cancer. But doctors classified his brain cancer as a “primary tumor,” meaning it’s not related to his former malignanci­es.

Mr. McCain ran unsuccessf­ully for the Republican presidenti­al nomination in 2000, then won it in 2008 before losing the general election to Barack Obama.

When Republican­s took control of the Senate in 2015, Mr. McCain embraced his new influence as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, pushing for aggressive U.S. military interventi­on overseas and eager to contribute to “defeating the forces of radical Islam that want to destroy America.”

Asked how he wanted to beremember­ed, Mr. McCain said, “That I made a major contributi­on to the defense of the nation.”

Former Connecticu­t Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a close friend, said Friday that “becoming John McCain’s friend has been one of the great blessings of my life. Today I am praying for him and his family.”

Mitt Romney, the GOP’s 2012 presidenti­al nominee, said on Twitter, “No man this century better exemplifie­s honor, patriotism, service, sacrifice and country first than Senator John McCain. His heroism inspires, his life shapes our character. I am blessed and humbled by our friendship.”

 ?? Chip Somodevill­a/Getty Images ?? Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, seen here in a photo from 2017, has stopped his treatments for an aggressive form of brain cancer, his family said Friday.
Chip Somodevill­a/Getty Images Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, seen here in a photo from 2017, has stopped his treatments for an aggressive form of brain cancer, his family said Friday.

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