Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Judge McDaniel deserves praise for sentence


Regarding “Superior Court Panel Considers ‘Recusing’ Defiant County Judge” (Aug. 23): Why is Superior Court President Judge Emeritus John T. Bender and the state Superior Court panel asking for a lesser sentence?

The adult male in this case knew what he was doing; he knew the age of the child.

He chose to take an innocent 8-year-old and sexually assault her. He chose to inflict great pain and fear upon this child for the rest of her life, just for his own pleasure.

The sentence fits the crime. He deserves the sentence the judge gave him, not the lesser sentence the Superior Court wants him to have.

Keep Judge Donna Jo McDaniel on the bench! She serves as a good model for the others to follow. R. ATKINS Monroevill­e long-standing treaties, insult our allies abroad and make diplomacy about “liking” people rather than about substance in internatio­nal relations cannot help but be above the fold every day.

Why are others in the news obsessed with Mr. Trump? Because he is obsessed with being in the news and makes sure he is there every morning when we wake up. When the president “lightens up,” so will the media, unless of course he is the subject of important stories that are the real reason behind the coverage he craves. Don’t blame the messenger, blame the source. JOHN LUFF Sewickley

In his Aug. 19 column, Keith Burris laments that it is clear to him “how obsessed the U.S. media is with President Donald Trump. Not his policies, anything but his policies, but his

(emphasis in the original).

Mr. Burris needs to expand his media research beyond Fox News and read his own newspaper. Here are four policy issues I have read about in the PG and other news sources that deeply concern me:

• Imposing tariffs on goods and raw materials from Canadian and European allies, rather than enlisting them in opposing the truly predatory trade practices of China;

• Eliminatin­g environmen­tal regulation­s based on the desires of business interests, not scientific studies, while admitting in some of the same reports that the human death rate will climb as a result;

• Expending a huge effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act before defining what improvemen­t will replace it;

• Taking inconsiste­nt positions regarding our relationsh­ip with NATO. (In this case, I infer that the Trump policy is to

We welcome your opinion

have no policy.) I have concerns with other policies of the Trump administra­tion as well, but these should give Mr. Burris a place to start. BRUCE ANTONOFF Murrysvill­e

Like many of my friends, neighbors and thousands of others from the surroundin­g area, I spent the past weekend enjoying the festivitie­s at Little Italy Days here in Bloomfield. Each year I’m amazed at how much the crowd size has increased from the prior year.

With that said, I think that it is past time for the event organizers and city officials to recognize what this event has grown into — a potential terrorist targetwhos­e patrons deserve better protection than what the flimsy wooden sawhorses currently in use can offer. We have all seen the horrific footage of attendees at similar events being mowed down by large fast-moving vehicles in cities across Europe.

City officials and event organizers, please don’t let that happen here. PAUL INZINGA Bloomfield

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