Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Republican­s grill government lawyer whom Trump has attacked via tweets


WASHINGTON — A longtime government lawyer who has become a central figure in President DonaldTrum­p’s efforts to undermine the Russia investigat­ion underwent more than seven hours of questionin­g by Republican­s on Tuesday onCapitol Hill.

BruceOhr was grilled behind closed doors by two GOP-led House committees that are looking into decisions made by the Justice Department ahead of the 2016 presidenti­al election.

The lawmakers are interested in Mr. Ohr — he has also been the subject of Mr. Trump’s angry tweets — because of his relationsh­ip with Christophe­r Steele, the former British spy whose opposition research on Mr. Trump’s Russia ties was compiled into a dossier and turned over to the FBI before the presidenti­al election.

Mr. Trump and his allies question the origins of the FBI’s investigat­ion into potential coordinati­on between Russia and the Trump campaign, which was taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017. Mr. Trump and some House Republican­s say the dossier created a politicall­y tainted pretext for the investigat­ion, even though the probe began weeks before the bureau received the documents.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, one of the Republican­s who attended Tuesday’s interview, said that, so far, Mr. Ohr’s interview and others have shown an “excessive reliance” on the dossier.

“And if the dossier truly is the rotten foundation upon which the Mueller church is built, I think that’s an important revelation,” Mr. Gaetz said.

Democrats say the entire GOP investigat­ion is an attempt to undermine Mr. Mueller. They have criticized the Republican­s’ focus on Mr. Ohr as overblown and misleading.

A Harvard-educated lawyer who was a federal prosecutor in Manhattan in the 1990s, Mr. Ohr at the time of the presidenti­al election was a high-ranking official in the deputy attorney general’s office. But it’s Mr. Ohr’s relationsh­ip with Mr. Steele that has given fodder to Republican critics in Congress.

The two had met a decade earlier, bonding over a mutual interest in Russian organizedc­rime.

Though Mr. Ohr did not handle national security or counterint­elligence work in the deputy attorney general’s office, he nonetheles­s became a point of contact for Mr. Steele to share informatio­n with in the months leading up to the 2016 presidenti­al election. Mr. Ohr passed along tidbits he learned to the FBI, which was conducting its own investigat­ion.

Glenn Simpson, cofounder of Fusion GPS, the political research firm that was paid by Democrats and hired Mr. Steele for the investigat­ion, told House lawmakers in a meeting last year that he also met with Mr. Ohr at Mr. Steele’s behest amid what he said was anxiety that federal investigat­ors were not taking seriously enough the threat of Russian election interferen­ce and the informatio­n Mr.Steele had accumulate­d.

Aside from their own personal connection, Mr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, was working at Fusion GPS — a connection Mr. Trump and his allies have repeatedly seized upon as they allege anti-Trump bias in the department.

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