Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Our teachers union works diligently on communicat­ion


As the president of the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers, I was disappoint­ed in the points the Post-Gazette failed to make in the article “Laboring to Reach Out” (Aug. 23).

Long before the Janus decision, PFT leadership returned to our organizing roots and increased communicat­ions with our membership in every way possible. But going door to door, speaking face to face and pounding the pavement on behalf of our membership and our united causes have always been a bedrock core of what we do as a union.

Janus didn’t change that a lick!

Over the past seven years, we’ve been fortunate to incorporat­e advanced tools from the American Federation of Teachers. These include detailed member documentin­g and emailing, opt-in mass text messaging and interactiv­e one-to-one texting through the HUSTLE text program — all this, plus Facebook, Twitter, interactiv­e town halls and even member-to-member phone banking.

The PG article makes it seem as if we woke up yesterday. What I find truly unsettling is how cavalierly the article lumps all unions together — as if they are a homogeneou­s entity that can all be painted with a broad brush.

Perhaps this is because the PG enlisted the warped opinion of a 21-year veteran teacher — Keith Williams — who is now a paid mouthpiece for a conservati­ve think tank. The irony here is that Mr. Williams likely enjoyed the benefits of full representa­tion while working … and will most certainly draw a pension .... because of his own teachers union.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Next time? We hope the PG digs a little deeper. NINA ESPOSITOVI­SGITIS President Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers South Side

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