Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Quiet start to Supreme Court term amid turmoil


The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — It’s the storm before the calm at the Supreme Court.

Americans watched Thursday’s high court nomination hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh with rapt attention. The televised spectacle was filled with disturbing allegation­s of sexual assault and Judge Kavanaugh’s angry, emotional denial.

On Monday, the court will begin its new term with the crack of the marshal’s gavel and not a camera in sight.

The term’s start has been completely overshadow­ed by the tumult over Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.

Republican­s had hoped to have Judge Kavanaugh confirmed in time for the court’s first public meeting since late June, an addition that would cement conservati­ve control of the court.

Instead, there are only eight justices on the bench for the second time in three terms, with a breakdown of four conservati­ves and four liberals. The court was down a member in October 2016, too, following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Justice Neil Gorsuch joined the court in April 2017, after all but about a dozen cases had been argued

It’s unclear how long the vacancy created by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement in July will last. Considerat­ion of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination by the Senate has been delayed while the FBI undertakes an investigat­ion of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982. The bureau also is investigat­ing allegation­s by a second woman, Deborah Ramirez, that Judge Kavanaugh exposed his genitals to while they were students at Yale.

An empty seat on the bench often forces a push for compromise and leads to a less exciting caseload, mainly to avoid 4-4 splits between conservati­ves and liberals.

Now, Chief Justice John Roberts probably will be the justice closest to the center of the court.

“All eyes ought to be on the chief justice,” said Greg Garre, a solicitor general during George W. Bush’s presidency. Chief Justice Roberts’ votes in favor of President Barack Obama’s signature domestic legislatio­n, the Affordable Care Act, show “he’s willing to buck other conservati­ves on hot-button, high-profile issues,” Mr. Garre said.

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