Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pope Francis defrocks priest who was at center of Chile abuse scandal

- By Annette Reuther and Pedro Schwarze

Tribune News Service

ROME — Pope Francis has defrocked Fernando Karadima, the disgraced Catholic priest at the center of a years-long abuse scandal in Chile, the Vatican said on Friday.

The pope said the decision was “for the good of the Church,” according to the Vatican statement.

The decree was signed by Pope Francis on Thursday and went into force immediatel­y. Mr. Karadima was informed about it on Friday.

The Vatican found Mr. Karadima guilty of child abuse in 2011. He was condemned to a life in repentance and prayer, but some considered that too lenient.

Juan Carlos Cruz, one of Mr. Karadima’s victims, wrote on Twitter: “The pedophile Karadima expelled from priesthood. I never thought I would experience this day. A man who ruined so many people’s lives.”

He added: “I thank Pope Francis … for having finally taken this decision. I hope many survivors will feel some relief today.”

Juan Pablo Hermosilla, a lawyer for the victims, told the radio station Cooperativ­a that the “very good” decision would help to provide them with closure. The decision had been well received because Mr. Karadima “deserved” it, he said.

Santiago Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati called on Catholics “to cooperate with the task … of the Church to repair all the damage done to the victims.”

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