Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

What will happen without Mattis?

President Trump needs to start listening more closely to his generals and diplomats

- David Ignatius David Ignatius is a columnist for The Washington Post.

At home and abroad, people are asking a question they’ve dreaded for nearly two years: How will the erratic presidency of Donald Trump function without the steadying hand of Jim Mattis as defense secretary?

Life without Mr. Mattis is the scary reality of this new year. The president may have tired of the careful, battle-hardened advice he received from the retired Marine general, but the United States’ allies depended on Mr. Mattis for reassuranc­e.

As one prominent diplomat put it in a message after hearing the news of Mr. Mattis’ resignatio­n: “God help us.” This concern was widely shared on Capitol Hill and around the world.

Mapping the contours of defense and foreign policy, postMattis, is a useful exercise — not least because it’s a reminder that the world hasn’t come to an end. Mr. Mattis tried to guide an inexperien­ced and impulsive president, often keeping silent in public to preserve his access, but he knew that his influence with Mr. Trump would eventually degrade. It just happened quicker than he wanted.

The first question is who should succeed Mr. Mattis. The default choice is Patrick Shanahan, the former deputy who is now acting secretary of defense. He appears to have the trust of both Mr. Mattis, who worked closely with him for 18 months, and Mr. Trump. Ideally, Mr. Shanahan would be the unknown backup quarterbac­k who suddenly gets the call and (to everyone’s surprise) wins the game.

Mr. Shanahan has some attributes of a good Pentagon chief. As a former Boeing executive, he knows how the siloed, hyper-bureaucrat­ic world of Pentagon contractin­g works, and why it’s a total disaster. As Mr. Trump said, Mr. Shanahan took the mismanaged 787 Dreamliner project at Boeing and produced a great airplane.

The negatives for Mr. Shanahan are also obvious. He lacks toplevel political or military experience. Running the Pentagon is arguably the most difficult management job in the world. People who succeed at it, such as former secretary Robert Gates, have combined strategic thinking with a willingnes­s to overrule the hidebound and parochial interests of the military bureaucrac­ies.

The next secretary faces a huge challenge that Mr. Mattis never fully embraced. The technology of warfare is being transforme­d, but our military services remain anchored to existing weapons systems and command structures. It is literally impossible, under current rules, to buy and deploy what’s needed. The Pentagon budget is bloated and misspent; it’s largely a logrolling exercise that preserves the status quo. Does Mr. Shanahan have the guts and political skills to write the rules for a new generation of warfare? If so, he’s the right person for the job.

The second post-Mattis challenge falls to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. As Mr. Mattis often said, the United States needs a less militarize­d foreign policy — and a more confident, creative State Department. Mr. Pompeo got off to a strong start, picking good people and boosting morale. He seemed to have a knack for checking Mr. Trump’s mistakes without infuriatin­g him. He was the “Trump whisperer.”

Mr. Pompeo is still managing North Korea diplomacy with a steady hand, from what we can see. But lately, he seems to have entered the Trump twilight zone, where he acquiesces on bad decisions, as on Syria and Saudi Arabia, to avoid an open break with his boss. One lesson of the past two years is that trying to tiptoe around Mr. Trump is not ultimately a winning strategy — for Mr. Pompeo any more than it was for Mr. Mattis.

Mr. Pompeo’s daily job descriptio­n is fulfilling the mission Mr. Mattis invoked in his resignatio­n letter: “Our strength as a nation is inextricab­ly linked to the strength of our unique and comprehens­ive system of alliances and partnershi­ps.” In short, we need diplomacy.

The final member of Mr. Trump’s post-Mattis team is John Bolton, the national security adviser. We’ll find out this week whether he has the right stuff. He bravely (and correctly) signaled to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Mr. Trump’s ruinous “let Turkey do it” deal for Syria withdrawal is off the table, drawing a volcanic response from Mr. Erdogan Tuesday. If Mr. Trump backs Mr. Bolton, he may yet stumble to a satisfacto­ry Syria policy. If Mr. Bolton retreats, he may as well quit; he will have been shown to have no influence.

And then there’s Mr. Trump. The problem Mr. Mattis encountere­d, in the end, was that the president really does think he understand­s military policy better than his generals, and foreign policy better than his diplomats. This arrogance is destroying Mr. Trump’s presidency.

After Mr. Mattis, Mr. Trump has another fleeting chance to get it right and halt the process of government by tirade. It’s hard to imagine him coming to his senses and avoiding the catastroph­e ahead, but Mr. Trump could start by listening to his advisers.

 ?? Carolyn Kaster/AP ?? Donald Trump and James Mattis in 2016 when they were on better terms.
Carolyn Kaster/AP Donald Trump and James Mattis in 2016 when they were on better terms.

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