Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Antonio Brown has proved his character

- OREN SPIEGLER South Strabane

Narcissism is an undue fascinatio­n with oneself. The saga of Antonio Brown this past season has been a classic portrayal of this character trait.

Mr. Brown is arguably the best wide receiver in the National Football League. Yet, his excellence on the gridiron was often eclipsed by his lack of character on and off the field. We witnessed outbursts of anger when things did not go his way. Players often lose their cool, but narcissist­s, who can never be wrong, have to find others to blame for their behavior. Mr. Brown found his coach and quarterbac­k to scapegoat. Were Mike Tomlin and Ben Roethlisbe­rger perfect? No, who is? Yet, Mr. Brown played the victim card better than a blackjack dealer at a local casino.

If we allow a prima donna to go unrestrain­ed, no matter how talented, we create a culture of selfcenter­edness like a well that has no bottom. The Steelers of the 1970s have a list of people with Hall of Fame after their names, yet the team was always more important than personal accomplish­ment. In the long-run, his departure may be beneficial to the Steelers. Teams that have players that play as much for their teammates as they do for themselves have developed a consistent winning mentality. It’s called teamwork.

I wish Antonio Brown well as he gave us many thrills, yet if he does not learn anything from this past season, he will take his baggage with him and experience the same outcome with a different coach and quarterbac­k.

KEN BARNES Mechanicsv­ille, Va. The writer is a native of Brownsvill­e.

Political obstructio­ns

The Feb. 17 letter “Budget Problems” said “the shutdown drama is a charade invented by left-wing politician­s to hide their reckless spending.”

One should understand that budget shutdowns and other obstructio­ns are tools (right or wrong) used by both parties to forestall or push actions for their pet projects. How can one forget previous obstructio­ns that had initiated by right wing politician­s such as: Sen. Ted Cruz, R.-Texas, reading Dr. Seuss in the Senate in order to block action on the Affordable Care Cct (Obamacare); Rep. Newt Gingrich trying to hamper President Bill Clinton’s initiative­s in 1990; and the illustriou­s Sen. Mitch McConnell, RKy., throwing roadblocks against interviewi­ng Judge Merrick Garland as President Barack Obama’s selection for justice to the U.S. Supreme Court.

But since the letter writer decided to bring our attention to left-wing reckless spending, she convenient­ly overlooks the additional trillion dollar deficit foisted on us taxpayers through the right wing’s (for certain not the left’s) tax cuts, that benefited and was cheered for by big businesses.

The letter writer must be reminded that the Republican­s controlled the executive, legislativ­e and judicial branches when this was passed. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who is responsibl­e for the “reckless spending.” Guess where the buck stops?


Mt. Lebanon

Serve the people

A litmus test vote took in the U. S. House posed a simple question to our representa­tives: Do you support the separation of powers, the Constituti­on and congressio­nal power of the purse, or do you march in lockstep with a president who seeks to expand his powers to declare a national emergency over something which he acknowledg­ed, was not an emergency (Feb. 27, “House Thwarts Trump”)?

My representa­tive, rightwing Rep. Guy Reschentha­ler, R-Peters, voted with the president and against the people and the Constituti­on, upholding the emergency declaratio­n. This rendered him a Donald Trump stooge.

In the unlikely event that the national emergency is upheld by the courts, Mr. Reschentha­ler may come to regret his vote. There will be a Democratic president someday, I pray in January 2021, and that president’s idea of what constitute­s a national emergency is likely to be quite different from that of Republican­s. I look forward to hearing the howls of protests from Republican­s like Mr. Reschentha­ler if and when the tables are turned.

Mr. Reschentha­ler has spoken clearly; he serves Mr. Trump, not us.

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