Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Seeking suspected pedophiles

Expectatio­n for a rendezvous with a 15-year-old girl falls apart quickly as 34-year-old woman tells man he is being livestream­ed by Southcentr­al Pa.

- By Amber South

CHAMBERSBU­RG, Pa. — Many days, Brandi Lehrian wakes up to five or six text messages from men wishing her a good morning — and sometimes more.

She spends most of the day and night letting multiple men believe that she can make their fantasies come true: No, she’s never been with a man before, and, yes, she wants him to be the first one.

Eventually, one of the guys asks to meet her. She says she can meet Saturday night at the gas station down the street from her house. She will walk there after her parents leave for the evening.

Once the guy shows up, his expectatio­n for a rendezvous with a 15-year-old girl falls apart quickly as Ms. Lehrian confronts him and says he is being livestream­ed by Southcentr­al Pa. Child Predator Exposure. The guy had been talking the whole time to a 34year-old woman, not a child almost 20 years younger, and she is giving all the chat logs to police.

Some guys stand there fidgeting with their eyes trained on the ground, while Ms. Lehrian and a companion calmly lecture them.

Others — such as a man who had been talking to three of Ms. Lehrian’s “decoys” — immediatel­y jump in their vehicle and take off as Ms. Lehrian yells after them.

Hundreds, sometimes thousands of people watch and comment as the amateur sting plays out live on Facebook. The man’s photo and big, bold text giving his name, age and town are soon plastered on the group’s page.

Southcentr­al Pa. Child Predator Exposure is one of many groups around the country and world that work to expose adults who seek to have sex with minors. Many are in the United Kingdom where, unlike in the United States, the law allows the groups to hold the suspects until police arrive — and allows police to use evidence the groups provide.

But law enforcemen­t does not support their efforts, calling these groups “vigilantes.” “We told them we do not approve,” said Detective Andrew Wolfe of Mount Holly Springs. “They risk getting injured or even killed.”

One of the other groups is also in central Pennsylvan­ia.

Justin Perry has been running “MR 17 5 40” out of Lancaster County for about a year. The name is inspired by the ZIP code of Leola, where he lives.

“I’m here for one reason — to expose these guys, and that’s it,” he recently told the York Daily Record.

Inspired by other groups she was following, Ms. Lehrian decided to start her own in southcentr­al Pennsylvan­ia. She started work last June, and since then the team has confronted 31 or 32 people, she estimated.

The Franklin County group has around 14 people working as decoys, exposers and page administra­tors. Using a phone just for the group’s work, decoys make accounts for various chat apps, then wait for guys to contact them. The decoys never make contact first.

Decoys usually tell guys they are 15, but sometimes 14 or 13. They never go older, as 16 is the age of consent in Pennsylvan­ia.

Men will message at all times of the day and night, but when a decoy has a guy who she thinks will eventually ask to meet up, she will keep up the ruse that she is in school during the day.

This can go on for months. Ms. Lehrian said she has been trying hard to get one guy whom she’s been talking to since July.

“He’s the one that will call and text me at 3, 4 in the morning ... He’s like, ‘I wanna see you, I wanna see you,’” she said.

Running the group is a full-time job for Ms. Lehrian, and she spends much of each day as a decoy. But the time it takes is not the hard part.

“It does take a toll on me. It’s not the time. It’s the things I see and they say,” Ms. Lehrian said.

Text messages get sexually explicit, and she said the decoy goes along with it. Guys will send photos of their genitals. When they ask the decoy for photos, Ms. Lehrian has friends of her group who are over 18 but can pass as younger who will provide images at a moment’s notice.

Ms. Lehrain and Mr. Perry both keep text messages from their targets. After they expose a guy, those logs are among the materials they provide to local law enforcemen­t in the hopes that police will take up the case.

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