Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Choose a fracking contractor with experience

- The writer is the president of the Dipcraft Manufactur­ing Co. in Braddock.

Reading Don Hopey’s March 28 article “Contentiou­s Crowd Dismisses Shale Drilling Plan,” I had a memory flash. I was visiting a friend who had acquired some acreage with the intent of developing a resort community. As we sat on the porch of the former farmhouse, I admired the view of the lake he had created by damming up a stream on his property.

“So when are you going to start building the vacation homes you have envisioned?” I asked. “Never,” he replied. “You see when I created the lake, the spring water that fed the drinking wells necessary for any future developmen­t became permanentl­y contaminat­ed.” I then proceeded to ask him why he had built a fence around the lake. He explained that he had created a “conspicuou­s nuisance” and had to protect himself from the liability of the unintended consequenc­es of his decision.

Although U.S. Steel in Braddock should be lauded for switching from coal to cleaner burning gas for the production of steel, several concerns come to mind. What “unintended consequenc­es” could arise from fracking for gas rather than using existing gas supplies? Why risk possible contaminat­ion of the river located in short proximity to the drilling site? The river that supplies drinking water, not to a few vacation homes, but to thousands of people.

Why choose a fracking contractor that has zero experience with this kind of fracking? If I had to undergo a serious operation, I would pick the most experience­d surgeon I could find. Finally, who is going to build that fence to protect us from those “unintended consequenc­es” that could occur from this potential “conspicuou­s nuisance?”


Squirrel Hill

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