Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Apocalypse? Now?

Democrats are taking a dystopian turn

- Matt Welch is editor-at-large at Reason magazine and a contributi­ng writer to the Los Angeles Times.

From his opening campaign declaratio­n that “the American dream is dead,” to his warning just last month that “without strong Borders we don’t have a Country,” Donald Trump has proved again and again that an apocalypti­c style works in contempora­ry American politics.

The president’s 2020 challenger­s, alas, have followed his lead.

“We are at an inflection point in in the history of our world,” Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., pronounced when kicking off her candidacy in January. “We are here because the American dream and our American democracy are under attack and on the line like never before.”

Voters in the 1864 primaries might beg to differ, but that’s not stopping the presidenti­al primary field from serial declaratio­ns of catastroph­e.

“Today, millions and millions and millions of American families are ... struggling to survive in a system that has been rigged by the wealthy and the well-connected,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said last month. “Millions of families can barely breathe.”

Imagine the tracheal stress if unemployme­nt was above 4 percent!

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has been hurling paranoiac thunderbol­ts at the “oligarchy” for as long as he’s been in politics. “We have created a system which is basically out of control,” he lamented in February, which is why “Now it’s time to complete that revolution.”

We have grown accustomed to politician­s of both parties, especially those not in power, drasticall­y oversellin­g what Barack Obama called the “fierce urgency of now” — calls to action that need immediate attention — usually in the form of voting for the politician sounding the alarm. Republican­s heading into the 2016 election breathed a manic new energy into the tradition, beginning with Mr. Trump’s first rant about Mexican “rapists,” which set off a bidding war to see who could bring the most crazy to the visa-policy debate. (My favorite came from first-generation Indian American Bobby Jindal: “Immigratio­n without assimilati­on is an invasion.”)

With his bottomless reservoir of hellscape hyperbole, Mr. Trump demonstrat­ed daily that the apocalypti­c style was a ticket in alienated America for leapfroggi­ng more staid establishm­ent politician­s.

Since every winning strategy in America’s political system ends up being copied by the losing side, the Democrats’ march toward a paranoid dystopia should not surprise.

House Intelligen­ce Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff, D-Calif., has been amply rewarded in the media ecosystem for making casual suggestion­s that the president of the United States is working for another team. Fellow committee member Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., told Vanity Fair in January that “over the last six months, there has only been more evidence that the president has been acting on Russia’s behalf.”

And if early response to the Mueller report summary is any guide, don’t expect much left-of-center walkback from the past two years of increasing­ly conspirato­rial speculatio­n about Trump/Russia.

Heading into 2020, we should expect more and louder howling into the wind, even from the most profession­ally upbeat 2020 Democrats.

“Society does not value work anymore,” Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., warned in South Carolina on Saturday. “We have a real crisis in this country over financial stability.”

Even Beto O’Rourke, in between countertop jumps, accesses the dark side. “The civil war in Syria, the wildfires in California — we literally are making it happen,” the toothsome Texan said last week. “And unless we act in the next 12 years ... there will be a hell visited upon our kids and grandkids and the generation­s that follow.”

Why do people talk like this? Because it speaks to our species. Humans are hardwired to believe that the sky will fall, no matter how much cleaner, healthier and richer our environs become over time. Our evolutiona­ry parents and grandparen­ts, after all, survived precisely because they suspected that that rattle in the bushes might well be a sabertooth tiger.

But the moral of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is not that there is no wolf, but rather that warnings should be saved for when the beast actually arrives. The president’s apocalypti­c fantasia is disreputab­le on its face, and leads to bad policies. Democrats should resist the temptation to emulate what they despise.

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