Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


The Trump administra­tion rejects a subpoena for the president’s tax returns.


WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion on Friday missed another deadline to produce President Donald Trump’s tax returns. A top House Democrat said he expects to take the administra­tion to court as early as next week over the matter.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a letter that he will not comply with a subpoena from House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal for six years of Mr. Trump’s tax returns because the request “lacks a legitimate legislativ­e purpose.”

Mr. Mnuchin’s rejection of the subpoena had been expected. Earlier Friday, Mr. Neal had said, “We will likely proceed to court as quickly as next week.”

Asked if he might seek to hold Mr. Mnuchin in contempt of Congress for his refusal to supply the tax returns, Mr. Neal said, “I don’t see that right now as an option. I think that the better option for us is to proceed with a court case.”

Democrats are seeking Mr. Trump’s tax returns under a 1924 law that directs the IRS to furnish such informatio­n when requested to the chairs of Congress’ taxwriting committees.

In a statement Friday after Mr. Mnuchin’s decision was announced, Mr. Neal said that the law “does not allow for discretion as to whether to comply with a request for tax returns and return informatio­n.”

In his statement, Mr. Neal said he would consult with committee lawyers “on how best to enforce the subpoenas moving forward.”

In a tweet on May 10, Mr. Trump said that he had won the presidency in 2016 “partially based on no Tax Returns while I am under audit (which I still am), and the voters didn’t care. Now the Radical Left Democrats want to again relitigate the matter. Make it part of the 2020 Election!”

When he issued the subpoena last week, Mr. Neal said he was seeking six years of Mr. Trump’s personal and business tax returns to aid a committee investigat­ion into whether the IRS is doing its job properly to audit a sitting president and whether the law governing such audits needs to be strengthen­ed.

In his letter Friday saying he would not comply with the subpoena, Mr. Mnuchin said he had consulted with the Justice Department and had been advised that he was not authorized to turn over the tax returns because Mr. Neal’s request did not represent a legitimate congressio­nal purpose.

Mr. Mnuchin said that while he will not turn over Mr. Trump’s tax returns, he has offered to work with the congressio­nal panel “to accommodat­e its stated interest in understand­ing how the IRS audits and enforces the federal tax laws against a president” by providing the committee with informatio­n on the mandatory audit process for presidenti­al returns.

 ?? Jacquelyn Martin/ Associated Press ?? Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin
Jacquelyn Martin/ Associated Press Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

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