Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Wear orange June 7 to help end gun violence


In light of yet another horrendous shooting, this time in Virginia Beach, I hope the Post-Gazette will cover local action on June 7 to mark Wear Orange for National Gun Violence Prevention Day, continuing our solidarity with Charleston, S.C., and Parkland, Fla., in crying out for sensible gun legislatio­n.

At this week’s “Tuesdays with Toomey,” there was a demonstrat­ion in front of Sen. Pat Toomey’s office in the Grant Building that highlighte­d gun violence. We want to call out Mr. Toomey, who carries himself as a leader in gun violence prevention, even as his inaction prompts the question: “Senator, where’s the beef?”

Where is his leadership with Harrisburg Republican­s who are actively working against Pittsburgh City Council’s efforts to limit gun violence in our city as reported in the Post-Gazette on May 12, “State GOP Lawmakers Assert Control Over Gun Laws.”

Where is Mr. Toomey’s willingnes­s to work with Gov. Tom Wolf or Rep. Dan Frankel, who represents Squirrel Hill, home to the Tree of Life synagogue, the way Mr. Toomey has prided himself on bipartisan proposals to enforce existing gun laws. He is working with Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, on one such effort.

What is Mr. Toomey’s stand on two important bills stuck in the Senate: one to close private gun sale background check loopholes and one to keep guns from the hands of those judged by the courts to be an extreme risk? Both of these bills try to keep guns out of the hands of bad people.

On June 7, will Mr. Toomey wear orange? Will you, Pittsburgh?


Squirrel Hill

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