Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Choice of two evils


I had a conversati­on with a friend about the current state of the Republican Party. A ReaganBush Republican, he said that Donald Trump has pushed him to consider Democratic presidenti­al candidates. I recognize that his sentiment is not unique, and a number of suburbanit­e Republican­s might agree with him, preparing to break rank next fall.

I will write what I told him. First, the evils of Donald Trump’s presidency have been grossly overstated by bad- faith partisan actors. Contrary to what some congressme­n might believe, the administra­tion is not holding undocument­ed immigrants in “concentrat­ion camps.” Anyone who suggests otherwise has a perverse misunderst­anding of history or an ignoble desire to profit off of mankind’s most sinister hour.

Furthermor­e, many detractors fancy calling the president a “fascist,” but these critics have little understand­ing of the word: Mr. Trump has never jailed a critic, or seized control of the economy or forcibly usurped power by violence.

Neverthele­ss, for Americans like my friend, 2020 will be a choice between two evils. But what of this second evil? It’s the greatest atrocity of our time: the senseless taking of innocent lives thousands of times over every year, abortion.

We must prioritize those issues so grave that they demand immediate action. I will bear the moral consequenc­es of compromise, the insults hurled at Trump voters and the friendship­s threatened or lost in order to inch closer toward the inevitable end of this barbaric and murderous institutio­n. I hope you can find the strength to do the same. DAN FREEMAN Mount Washington

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